
Bed Bugs- Please help?

by  |  earlier

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I have a bed bug problem and the pest control guy is planning to come during the weekend, what steps can I take in order to stay alive till they come in and spray the pesticide. Is there a spray available in the market which I can use to have some temporary solution?




  1. Thats just put me off my lunch.

    try sleeping somewhere else.

  2. Take a look at the stuff at kleen-free as it is chemical free so it is safe for you to use and they should be able to ship it to you quickly at an extra cost.  I think it kills the bugs on contact.

    Kleen-free itself works but I think they have a newer product that was designed for bedbugs specifically.

    You may even want to have some around since some bedbugs are becoming immune to the chemcials that the PCO are using.

  3. dude before you go to bed put baby powder over your bed then they wont bealble to breathe and theyll just die or stay a way
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