
Bed Bugs in Adelaide?

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Is there any bed bugs problem in Adelaide / South Australia. We are would be migrants and just wanna be sure which is the best place to settle in.




  1. There are most definately bed bugs in Adelaide, I know several people who have had them in their house. I believe they are all over Australia and pretty much the entire world. They have made a dramatic comeback in recent years.  I don't think you'll be able to find a city anywhere that doesn't have them.

  2. Adelaide..I went there a year ago for like 3 months! There were no bed bugs just about 100 flys on me every mintue of the day!...Do you know if they still have that problem...

    im from london.

  3. You know the other day I saw that someone was amazed to find bed bugs in an hotel, not a cheap place either.  But I think it was in New York.

    I have never heard of bed bugs in Australia.  Anywhere.

  4. You can get bed bugs anywhere, its to do with hygiene, not location. Plenty of London hotels are infested due to the overseas visitors they get.
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