
Bed Wetting - 10 year old - how can i stop/ help with this?

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My wife's sister has come to stay with us for a while. She has been here over 2 months. Its a new challenge for her, in a new home, far from where she was raised. The little sister is 10 years old, big for her age and fairly confident. She has moved into our house, which is on a tropical island, rather than a big dirty city where she grew up. she has for the first time, her own bedroom, laptop, dvd etc, bike - even a pool for her to use and she is thrilled.

Already with a new set of friend and 2 people who love her, care for her and have time for her- all of which is new, to a certain degree.

I dont believe she has been abused as a child, thou this is something I cant rule out. But I feel she might have been starved of attention,and not disaplined when needed. She slept on a thin mat b4, which was put in the sun to dry each day. i have bought her an alarm, to wake her up regualy during the night, which she doesnt wake up to and we get her up 1/2 times a night, but come morning....




  1. you just have to work with them and be patient and they will sometimes they will just have show her that you care and love her and that you would work with her until the bed wetting is over.

  2. Tell her that she is NOT  going to drink anything 1 hour before bed. And commet to that!

  3. ive herd that bed wetting can be caused by tubes sumwhere in the body that relate to urination... i forget where though, can get narrow in one point. this causes bed wetting and sumtimes UTI which can also cause a kid bed wetting. this could be a problem. maybe you should have her checked out by a doctor.

  4. i was 12 when i stopped bed wetting and the way my ant got me to stop was to pput me in diaper punishment i wasnt allowed to wear pants or a shirt and i got homeschooled everytime i peed in my diper i got spanked in the morning and a new diper and after i stopped weeting the bed i ggot out of diper punishment

  5. Often, bedwetting is caused when the person sleeps so deeply that they simply don't wake up to the signals that the bladder sends when it is full.  This is also why she doesn't wake up when the alarm goes off.  It's as much a sleep problem as it is a bladder problem.  There are ways of strengthening the bladder and correcting the deep sleep problem.  Correcting these will solve the bedwetting problem.

    But punishing her will not help -- she is not being lazy and simply cannot help what she's doing.  Depriving her of liquids might ease the problem but will definitely not solve it.  And she's 10 -- if she hasn't grown out of it now, she probably won't without some kind of help.  

    There's an organization that helps with this problem -- both the sleep and the bladder issues.  If you want more info check

  6. Make sure that when she wakes at night, there is nothing positive about it - no big hugs or anything.  Make her change her own bedclothes.  Make sure she doesn't drink anything within the prior couple of hours before bed.  You could also make her wear a "pull up" to bed - that might be slightly embarrassing for her and cause the bedwetting to stop.  If you think she was starved for attention, it might be an attention thing.  Has the bedwetting just started since the move?  If it has always happened, there could be a medical reason and she should see a doctor.  Good luck.

  7. Eneurisis is a genuine medical condition, take her to a pediatrition for diagnosos, there are medications available to help her, if you make a big deal about it you will also cause emotional damage to her, humiliating her about it as someone suggested earlier or even punishing her for it is not a solution. My daughter  had the same problem and it is very embarrasing for them and hard to cope with, get her medical attention and be patient, get a good quality mattress protector that is tumble dryer proof, limit her liquid intake from an hour before dinner and physically wake her up when you go to bed to go to the bathroom. The woman who suggested abusing this child with pull up diapers should be sterilized!

  8. I wet the bed until I was 13, my sister until she was 11 and my mum until she was 16 (although she was abused)

    I just grew out of it, but my sister, mum and dad hired he a mat that when it got wet an alarm went off for her to get up, other then that every 3 hours an alarm went off for the toilet.

    my bed wetting stopped when my nana was looking after me, she slept in my bed and woke me up every time she got up for the toilet. i never used to drink before be but i still wet the bed. just try going and waking her yourself. my dad did that with me and it slowed it down a lot.

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