
Bed time for children?

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I have an 8 year old son. How many hours of rest do kids this age need?




  1. 7-12 Years Old should get 10 - 11 hours of sleep per day.

    At these ages, with social, school, and family activities, bedtimes gradually become later and later, with most 12-years-olds going to bed at about 9 p.m. There is still a wide range of bedtimes, from 7:30 - 10 p.m., as well as total sleep times, from 9 - 12 hours, although the average is only 9 ½ hours.

    Sleep needs do not decrease and remain vitally important to your child's health, development, and well-being. Without the proper amount of sleep, your child will become increasingly sleepy during the day. Those children with a history of sleep problems see them persist. They do not "outgrow them."

    "School achievement difficulties were found more often among poor sleepers compared to good sleepers.... Young children who have difficulty sleeping become older children with more academic problems. But children who are academically successful risk not getting the sleep they need!"

  2. That depends upon the child.  My 8 year old is in bed at 9:00pm and is up at 6:00am  

  3. 9:00 is a good bed time

  4. Each kid is different and I know from having 4 at one time living here, all in  grade school that every one of them needs different amounts of sleep.  One is a night owl and he is in bed about 10 or 11 at night and still gets up without my help in the morning for school.  The other three want to go to bed earlier cuz they are tired...around 8 or 9.  Any earlier than that and you will have a kid that just lies there and is hounded by insomnia.  (this is based on a 6:30-7:00am wake up...any earlier and the bedtimes must be adjusted back.

  5. 10-12.

    My 8 year old will be going to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 when school starts and he gets up at 7:00am.  

    Our pediatricians think this is optimal.

  6. each child varies -mine needs about 10 hrs of restful sleep.  monitor your child's sleep patterns and his morning behavior to know for sure.

  7. on average - i would say about 10 hours of sleep along with a nap(s) sometime in the day :)

  8. my 7 year old goes to bed at 8:30 pm sometimes 8:00 if he isn't behaving that day

  9. My bed time was it's 11. And I'm 14?

    Ohyes and I think kids need like, 8-10 hours of sleep . I need like 12 or else I get bags under my eyes...

  10. The average is 10.  However "average" has to be adjusted to your own child.  Is he cranky and hard to wake up?  He needs more.  Some kids do great on 8 or 9, while others might need 12 hours!

  11. a child that age shoud have 8  to 9 hours to sleep an night

  12. it varies on the child. Mine are in bed at 8pm. My daughter goes straight to sleep and wakes at 7am and my son is usually asleep by 8.45 and sleeps till 7am. So for my kids it is about 11hrs. But they are very active kids. Some will need more, some less (they are 9 now)

  13. My kids, ages 6, 9 and 11 all are in bed by 8:30/9:00 pm on school nights and get up between 6:30/7:00 am.  This works best for my kids, all are rested and ready to go.
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