
Beditime Help PLEASE! XX?

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I am 14, and i go to bed at 9:45. Please can you give me some good arguments to stay up later. I would also like to be given more independance. Please can you give me some ideas on how to recieve it. Thank you.





  1. Hi well to be honest, you are obviously a very lucky  girl, you have people in your life that love you and want the very best for you.  There is so much to be said for going to bed and resting your body and mind.  If you cant sleep, maybe you should try getting up earlier, so that you are generally tired earlier.  One thing also is that if you have two parents at home, and evening time is their time alone, then that is wonderful for you.  They are more likely to have a happy marriage than your friends who stay up late with parents who don't want to be alone.... you may not like to think about your parents as being romantic but hun its what keeps the 'oldies' together and I am sure if the cap fits here you are happy about think about it less selfishly and go to your room shut the door and go to are a woman, when you are older you will be wishing for sleep at 9.45 pm............But are you  allowed a bit of lax time during the haven't said..that is a different matter.

  2. perhaps you could make a deal with your parents= I'll do more housework if you'll let me stay up later.

    for example doing dishes occasionally, clean the garage this spring, organize a garage sale.

    If your parents aren't willing to discuss some options then you are kinda stuck and shouldn't push the issue for now it will only make matters worse.

  3. 9:45 is early to me. I used to go to sleep anywhere from 11:00 PM - 12:30 AM and I didn't do poorly in school cause of that. If you want them to give you a little more Independence tell them that part of growing up is taking responsibilities for your actions and making some choices on your own and that you are never going to fully understand or feel a feeling of maturity if you never get to make some choices on your own, even as minor as they may be or even if they see it as a minor mistake, because you'll never get to feel any level of maturity if you never even get a chance to learn from any of your mistakes. Even as adults we all still learn from our mistakes. Learning from our mistakes makes us stronger for the future.

    If that doesn't work then you could also say that you continually follow the rules of their house and that you try a lot to abide by them with little complaints, but in return can't they do you this one favor and give you the choice and freedom to choose your bedtime. Tell them to give you a fully week of you being able to choose your bedtime and if in a week it effected your grades or attendance in school then you'd go back to their time.

    Hope this helped, good luck.

  4. 9:45 is already a pretty late bedtime. You dont want to stay up any later then you will be tired and do bad in school. I am 22 and I couldnt stay up till 9 45 if i tried.

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