
Bedroom makeover help???

by  |  earlier

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OK, this sounds kind of weird, but oh well. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a bedroom makeover that sort of matched the style of these clothes/ accessories.

I think they represent my style and I really want a bedroom to match it. So basically fun and colorful, with a punk edge.

Thanks =]




  1. I think you should do the idea above but only one wall because it'll be too intense to relax in there. one wall should be that, then choose aa color from one of the splats thats like a nice calmish color. like neon pink. but on the  splat wall make that color noticeable. or whatev color you choose. Then get white bedspread and different color pillows. maybe you can do the splat them for your desk or dresser or headboard!

    good luck!

  2. you can paint your walls in a pattern

    blue green yellow pink

    then when it dries paint a huge peice sign that will cover your whole wall on all sides

    and get a a peace sign bed sheet like this

    that would look awesome

  3. You can paint your wall black then when it dries you can get neon colors and splat it on your walls. It will be really fun. That way you walls will looks like that shirt you have that comes from 80spurple. Next you can hang peace and lighting posters or make peace and lighting signs of of hard constrution peices and make them glittery. Then find a nice bed set to go with it!

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