
Beds in bars in Mexico?

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I was looking at a friends pictures from when she went to Mexico and there were some pictures she took of a bed at a bar. She said there was a bed in the bar at her hotel as well.

Why? For the drunk people to go to...get busy? Seriously, why?




  1. I have seen a few place like that and one was in new york.It's the thing to drink eat then lay If i cannot sit up for 2 hours after i eat. then i better just stay in the house.

  2. Wouldn't that be convenient? Not to mention lucrative. Were I a bar owner, I'd certainly have a small cluster of "bedrooms" available for rent at hourly rates.

  3. Well, you had all answers wrong.

    Let me tell you, I live in Puerto Vallarta.

    We do have several bars (no discos) with an area where we call the lounge area with large chaise launge pieces of furniture, you can call them beds if you want.  They are much larger than a chair and you can invite your friends to be more comfortable on the bed.  They are not to make love, they are not to do such thing, just to socialize. You are in a public place ! ! ! These are like double bed or king size beds, they are very comfortable so you can take your shoes off and have a "bed" for your friends, boys and girls.  Also they have lots of cushions.

    Launge Bars are called.  Very expensive, very elegant, most everything is in white color and also you have to be dressed in white.

    You can check Nikki Beach, lounge area at the Westin Hotel Puerto Vallarta to see what I am talking about. This is the beach area with the beds.

    or the Ztai restaurant and lounge bar at:

    Now I hope you now what I am talking about.

    Best luck to you.

  4. While Prostitution is "Technically illegal in Mexico there are zones where it is allowed and controlled.

    I knew a guy from Acapulco and left for Atlanta at the age of 16 . He returned and bought a piece of property and opened a Bar .  His waitresses 5 of them were the most bonitas.

    Anyway he had a bedroom very visible to the whole bar and for $15.00usd well----

    There are numerous places that have as many as 8 beds either at bar level or downstairs. "Zona Roja"

    Most , if not all of the "Strip" bars have some sort of private cuarters with beds , some single and some double and most need prmission.

    There was a bar in Acapulco called "La Huerta" walled in and had a series of Motel like units and all the girls had passport like booklets taht had to be stamped by a doctor every day the girls wanted to come to the bar.

    You do not see girls standing on street corners bending at the hip in Mexico.  They would be arrested right away.

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