
Bedtime Blues with a 9 year old?

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We need advice on how to get my 9 year old son to stay in his bed all night....

He recently began falling asleep in his own bed after sleeping with us since he was 3 months old. Its become such second nature to us that sometimes we don't even hear him or feel him come in. He's getting too big to sleep in the bed physically. WE have a king size bed and its getting crowded. Please give us hints. He does fine when over at friends or relatives houses. Just not here. Even if friends or family are over here he still finds his way to our room. Unless we aren't home and its just his siblings...then he stays in bed then too.




  1. This will sound awful, but you may have to resort to bribery.  

    Example:  If you stay in your bed for the week, we will take you to Chuck E. Cheese.  

    If he doesn't stay, you may have to take away some privileges.

    I had the same issue with my daughter when she was 8.

  2. Try taking him out and letting him pick out his own new bedding and maybe do a room makeover for him to add some newness to his room and make it appealing.

    Then use a chart and offer rewards when he stays in his bed. You can start setting the goal low for example say he has to stay in his own bed at least 3 nights of the week to get the reward. When he reaches that goal then raise it to 4 nights and then 5 until he is in his bed every night. I don't consider this bribery, it's setting goals and rewarding him for reaching them and that is the way to go.

    If he doesn't reach the goals, try to be patient, after all he has co-slept all this time so it will take some getting used to. Maybe set up a sleeping bag on your bedroom floor and if he comes in the rule can be he has to sleep in the sleeping bag not in the bed.

  3. he feels like that is his bed since he has slept with you his whole life and that may be scary for him to do on his time try to wake up and put him back into his bed.

  4. When he crawls in with you, take him back to his bed and tell him to stay there. Everytime he gets up, put him back. Ask him why he comes and comfort whatever problem he has. IE: He may be scared of the dark, so you could get a nightlight.

    It may be tiring, but older kids like 9 year olds won't get up again  as many times as a 2 year old. Just keep putting him back in bed, follow through. Make sure your hubby follows through too.

  5. quit treating him like he is 3 months old and he will start acting like a 9 yr old.

    You shouldnt have let him stay in your bed so long.Next time you find him in your bed, make him get in his own.Tell him he is too big for that now.

  6. It may sound harsh but I would consider getting a latch on the inside of your door...9 is too big...puberty is around the best friend was trying to creep in at the same age and because her parents never stopped her she was still doing it at thirteen! Not healthy for any of you.

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