
Bee Sting- Painful swelling next day/burning and itching please help

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I was stung yesterday on my toe it was a little swollen a couple hours after but it wasnt that bad. I woke up with my foot more swollen, and it seems to be getting worse with time, i made sure the stinger is completley out... but now my toe is pulsing and throbing and my foot burns and itches.

is this normal, and what should I do to help it?





  1. I have been keeping honey bees for several years now and i feel pretty confident about answering this one. Some form of benidryl or antihistamine will help with the itching and possibly the swelling if taken soon after the sting. You will receive lots of input about thinngs like meat tendorizer, tobacco,baking soda an other topical treatments. they are all just wives tales. I have tried and they none seam to work. the venom of a wasp is different than that of a honey bee. a honey bees venom is an irritant used to defend the hive while a wasps venom is used to kill its prey. My best advice is to not rub or scratch and let it run its course. it is normal for it to be sore for a coupel of days

    I have had one itch for as little as a few minuts or as long as a weak

  2. maybe your allergic to bee stings this could be the cause im highly allergic to stings but it sounds like a mild allergic reaction my mom used baking soda mixed with water you basicly make a paste and put it on the afected area, also are you sure you got it out may need to poke it with a needle (disinfect needle first and area usw like a sewing needle) sometimes stingers comr out in peces also take advil or pain killers for the pain if it gets worst or after trying the above dosent get better it would be best to see a doctor since if it is a alergic recation they will need to medicate you dont  itch it will make it worst also can cause bactria to get inside try using neosporan as well since you dont want infection , take baths in baking soda soak the foot as much as posible with baking soda thats what my mom did for me hope this helps

  3. I get the same thing, it's been a while since I've been stung however.  First time I got stung on the ankle and my whole leg started to swell up.  My parents took me to the doctor and I got a shot.  Second time it was a wasp on the finger.  My whole hand started to swell, but it didn't get any worse so I didn't see a doctor.  What you really want to watch for is if you start to have any shortness of breath.  This would be a dangerous medical situation required immediate attention.  In the meantime, you can put some topical steroid cream on the site and try not to drive yourself crazy scratching.  Scratching makes it itch worse.  Best of luck and you have my sympathies.

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