
Bee sting? Wasp sting?

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I got a sting from a bee or a wasp not too long ago, but its still there! its been there for a long time now and i dont know how to react. i put neosprorin on it and its looks dead now, but its red and has like a soft scar around it, also it hurt every time i lay down on it or touch it, i have had 3 bee/wasp stings before, bu this one is not a normal one. I dont know what it was or what i should do?! help me?




  1. If left untreated it could get infected... definately go see your doctor sounds like if its an open wound now it would require antibiotics.

  2. you could try baking soda and water that usually always helps but i'm not sure if it will since it's been in there a while i would go see your doctor if that doesn't work since it could get infected.

  3. If you don't know what it is, it may be from a horse fly or similar nasty like a hornet or tic.

    Take a very close look at it.If thee is anything black in the centre - remove it.

    If it is a Bee, it will still be complete with the barb - and probably poison sac when it stung you. This needs to be removed. With a wasp they leave nothing except the toxin, but horse fly bites can become infected enough to warrant medical attention. Tics likewise can leave their heads under the skin if knocked off, and lead to local infection.

    I think what your body is doing is the best thing. It's sending in white cells to contain the infection - and producing a yellow or clear pus to flush away the cause. You can help by bathing with hot saline - as hot as you can comfortably bear, and keeping it lightly covered with a sterile dressing. It must breathe - not a waterproof one.  

  4. go see your doc. there could be a part of the sting still ne there causing some irration this would fit with the pain when touching it.
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