
Bee went into electrical outlet...?

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I bee/wasp went into the round hole of one of my electrical outlets. Would it die as soon as it enter because of the electricity? Can it build a hive in there? Would it be able to find its was to another part of my home through the electrical outlet? What can I do?





  1. No, it will not die from electrocution.

    No, the area inside is too small to build a nest

    No, the wires going throughout your house are solid copper. Besides, the round hole is the system ground so there is no electricity in there.

    You can sneak up on the outlet and put a grounded plug  in the outlet and crush it to death. Or, just leave it be.  

  2. that could be an entrance hole to a hive... maybe you caught it before it really started a hive.... DO NOT spray bee killer in there, you could short the outlet........ just seal up the hole with caulk and keep an eye on it

  3. sucks for the bee. either he dies, or he lives. either way, its not a big deal. and if you have a terrible fear of bee's, you can call a exterminator  

  4. Leave it alone. The bee will come out when it see's there is no place for it to build a hive

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