Is this real enough for you, cuts beneath my skin...
now and than i thought it was you who stopped everything.
But now to come to find out your the thing that makes the inside
of me scream out.
I want to cry but I dont know why I just need to identify
myself instead of die.
Dont you go, dont you go I want to fugure out how low I can go.
Satan you devil stay away from me. I can feel your fire building
up to me. Why..Why do i have to know whenever someone lets
me go. To fall off a bridge and still live tomarrow, why cant i die
why do you spi please dont leave I need you in my life and to find
out that im in love with the knife. guilt and shame overly dramatic
Not a game. if i was lying i would no be here trying to fix it. When
do i ever get help i do not know...
As soon as my family gets help with me.
Now i see my life has been everything
What do you think of my poem?
It's my inner deep feelings from a long time ago....
I used to cut myself but i went to treatment and im
still trying to get thru all of this...i havnt cut in a week so thats a start...
Dont you think writing is good therapy