
Been breastfeeding 4 months now low milk supply, why!

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I have a 4 month old son who has been exclusivly breastfed until about a week ago when we added cereal once in the afternoon. I do work full time, and normally take 2 pump breaks a day at work. Until this week I have not had any problems making enough (and extra) milk, as much as 8 onces per break when my son eats 5 oz per meal, but the last few days I have not even been making enough to feed my son. I want to know if there are any suggestions as to why. It is nothing obvious, not stress (I have been under much more stress than this with no supply issues) or dehydration, and my pumps seem to be working fine (I use avent isis manual pumps). Please help me figure out what is going on!




  1. Offer the breast more, the more demand your baby is giving your body, the more you will produce.  Maybe look into a electric pump, it may be easier on your b*****s.  Also I would quit the cereal for now, it is recommended that solids are held off until after six months.  

  2. Yes, I can say the same just continue to nurse your baby rather than pump. I have been through the same issue. Nurse, Nurse , Nurse. It is much healthier and you and your baby can also bond more because they grow so fast.

  3. The manual pump may not be stimulating your nipples enough.  Try a double electric - medela makes great ones.

  4. Are you eating and more imprtantly drinking enough yourself?

    What about rest both these are important for milk production..

    if your stressed or tired it affects production..

    pumping/expressing is a hidden stress, I can't express for with my 4yr old bouncing around, (no I'm not feeding her she wants to help Grrrr)

    it's been hot and that can also effect as we are using fluid for our bodies rather than milk...

  5. Beware of wearing any tight fitting bras or shirts. Also the older your child gets you will have to pump more frequently and longer for a short period of time. This will help to keep your supply up and equal with your child's needs. Also the longer you breastfeed the more fat will be in your breastmilk. Therefore you need less to fill your child.

  6. You need to nurse. Unfortunately pumps just don't cut it. The suction is not as good as if you were actually nursing. When you pump fully pump all of your milk and then go back and pump each side for at least another 2 minutes. This will help your body think there is more of a demand and let your body make more. I exclusively  breastfeed by pumping only and my is baby is 7 months now.  

  7. Your milk will dry up when you stop breastfeeding. It probably has to do with the fact that you're no longer feeding your son as regularly as you have been. I'm not sure there's a whole lot you can do about your doctor for some advice.

  8. Try nursing more! A babys suckle is stronger than a pump. I was trying to breast feed my baby girl, but she would never latch on. I pumped at much as I could, but my supply got lower and lower. So again, try to get him to nurse.

  9. You should pump every 2-3 hrs to keep the flow - the longest 4 hr gap, but that isnt always why you might have low milk supply..

    It also can be medications - so speak with your healthcare provider about that if you are taking any - that is incluiding birth control... My milk supply stop and dry up when I went on the pill. I would also recomend that you keep a picture of your baby while you pump/or a picture of a breastfeeding mom - that might help aswell....  

  10. i had the same problem n my baby is 4 months also n it was frustrating these are the things i did to get my milk supply back in it worked takes a about 1 week or 2 but helps

    try wearing a loose fitted bra all day cause the bra helps cirulatsion of ur milk in ur breast so u can fill up  if ur drinking any caffine stop same with spicey food, broccli, gralic,  

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