
Been in a car crash .Chest Pains ?

by  |  earlier

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Last night i was in a bad car crash.

Soon after it happened my chest was hurting and i felt short of breath.

My chest hurts when i laugh/cough I'm not sure what i should do.

Go to a doctor or is there nothing to worry about?

any information wouldd be helpful :)




  1. You need to get yourself to th ER right now. Chest pains after an accident are not good. You could be suffering something very severe like internal bleeding so please go now

  2. I actually bruised my sternum in my car accident it took about 6 weeks to heal - had the same kind of pains but didn't go to the doctor.  I wish I would have because it hurt like H E double toothpicks.  If you know what I mean.  

  3. maybe you punctured a lung or have internal bleeding. you should definetly see a doctor

  4. Did you go to an ER after the accident? If not, now would be the time to go.  

  5. It could be just a bruise and it could be serious.You should always be checked over after an accident.This is especially important if you had your seat belt on and it tightened up or had an air bag deploy on you.I wouldn't mess around.You need a chest X-Ray.

  6. Well if you genuinely had a car accident - if it was me I would not be hanging around on yahoo asking - what should I do - get yourself to a doctor or emergency department immediately - you could have serious internal injuries such as broken ribs or injury to your lungs or sternum - the bone to which all of your ribs connect in your chest - if you don't want to go this way fine - but do remember to ask someone to call the undertaker asap if and when you don't make it

    Have a look at this website about sternum injuries and then call your doctor  

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