
Been married for twenty years now. The magic is gone.What can I do to spark it up again.?

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Been married for twenty years now. The magic is gone.What can I do to spark it up again.?




  1. Look back on the early years when you were both young and happy. Maybe there were some fun stuff that you haven't done for such a long time and now is the best time to do them all over again. Also try new things together that you haven't done before.

  2. First of all, congratulations on twenty years.  That's quite the accomplishment.  It just sounds like you're in a rut.  This site has some suggestions how to spark up a relationship.  Good luck to you.

  3. Sleep together in the same bed.  This is has improve my marriage very very strongly more than marriage conseling.

  4. Take some time off and go far away. Find a  place where you can spend some time together and be romantic. No contact with the outside world. Be creative.  

  5. True love is loving the other person even if you don't feel like it. Because you made a committment to God together, because you love God. Marriage isn't easy and it can take only one person to ruin it. Do you know the 11th commandment? It's on John 13:31 +

    Jesus says to love one another as He does love you

    Please read Ephesians 5 also because these powerful verses can improve your marriage and it will show you your marriage roles. If you follow these roles, you will live together in harmony.

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