
Been mugged , lost confidence any help ? :(?

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iam 21 , i go to the gym 4 days a week , iam a high fan of mixed martial arts and much into fitness , iam gaing up muscle and gettign built, 2 days ago i was robbed ma watch off by some muggers or gang what ever , one of them just came up to me and pushed to the car near by and removed ma watch and i just couldnt do nothing . i feel like i lost ma confidence , i didnt panic or anything , but feel like pointless going to the gym to be strong when i couldnt do nothing , .. on the other hand i want to learns self defence . apart from gym would push ups and finger push ups help build ma hand power to punch in defence if approched again ..

pls any help would be higly welcome , i want to learn one proper method to defend ma self ..




  1. Step 2 carried from first answer.

    Learn to be confident within yourself, learn a good style of martial art, don't ever attack, just defend yourself.

    Step 3

    When walking at night walk in well lit areas where people congregate.

  2. learn martial arts and dont be pathetic  

  3. Sivart hah. Ok dude,I know this sucks,dont Listen to sivart,I have been taking MMA for a bit over a year,and I have used it through several fights and I have won them., Its not for ring based you ignorant 13itch who said it was. It uses  Knees,elbows,grappling,it covers all,and How is it ring based other than some rules which are easy to remember,and easy to break in a street fight?. So I dont get there ignorance with that. MMA is fine. Maybe you need to practise at home,or get a diffrent school. If you didnt panic,you must have been a realy big puccy. Please keep training. MMA has worked fine for me. If it happens again,you fight back d**n it. Fight is what you train for,and Fight you must do.

  4. ma  (Sorry, couldn't help it) best advice to you is to be armed with pepper spray.  If you are forced to fight back, don't overthink or over analyze (oh sh*t, should I kick this guy, punch him, take hm down?)-just react by reaching for the pepper spray, spray the assailant(s) then get the heck outta there!!!!

  5. 1st off, MMA is not the art I would use for self defense, it is meant for the ring, not a real life encounter with no rules.  Try a self-defense course, many are available, and try to find a credible instructor.  Jujitsu is optimum in my opinion.  I have used it in multiple encounters, and it has never let me down.  It's simple, to the point and requires little conditioning.  Push ups and building muscle are more helpful as deterrents (they are less likely to try to mug a strong looking person) but I can tell you that from personal experience-they amount to little in a real life-or-death encounter.

    What matters most is

    1. Awareness

    2. Immediate action

    3. Escape once the weapon is neutralized

    Step 1 will get you out of far more fights and muggings than any art, even Jujitsu could ever prepare you for.

    They look for the person with his head hung low and shuffling his feet.  The guy who is alert yet relaxed and not staring, but not ignoring is almost always left alone.

  6. learn english.

    then go learn martial arts.

    also you say you didnt panic then why didnt you do anything.

    why would doing finger push ups help self defence? if you learn martial arts they might but just going to the gym doesnt do anything.

    i am inclined to think that you are not 21 because of how you wrote out the question and you arent really building up much muscle at the gym. because strong 21 yr old are almost never targets also why would they only take your watch...? i think you made this all up.

  7. Step 1 - Stop saying "ma".

  8. There is no sense in getting killed over a watch, if they had a gun or knife, and you tried something, you would be died, i don't see why you would lose confidence.  Its ok to be angry at the situation, but don't be questioning yourself because someone "jumped" you.  I was jumped, and i had no time to react, the reason they do this, is because its the only way they can get what they want, i consider this being a coward.

  9. I know it doesn't seem like it to you right now, but you did the best thing you could do. Even martial artists / fighters / whatever, when faced with multiple opponents, do not necessarily know how to handle the situation. Many will punch, lock up, or grapple with the guy closest to them. The result is all your focus being on the one person while the others start attacking you. So now you've lost your watch, and you're bruised / broken / bleeding / whatever...

    What you need to do is recreate the scenario with training partners. Have them recreate the attack and you receive the attack. Go through it once where you just let it happen again, but pay attention to what's happening: is the guy looking at the watch as he takes it off you or is he watching your face? Where are the others? Things of that nature.

    Then, go through it slowly. 60% speed and power max. This time try to fight back. What happens? How can you change it? Go through it again and again until it's second nature. Notice how, to every action you make, there's a different consequence -- people move in different directions, certain things get you hurt worse than others, etc. Do it until you take back the feeling that you are not helpless.

    This isn't about having the answer for everything, or even most things. Train so that you are confident, and so that you feel safe. Right now, you're feeling like you've lost your confidence... Now imagine how much worse it would be if that turned to constant worry. Irrational fear can easily control your life if you let it.

  10. Wow, sorry to hear that.  No one should have to deal with that.  And this is exactly the sort of things martial arts can help you with.

    I have written some articles on the benefits of martial arts and how to choose the best style and right school for you.  

    Take some time and read through them because you want to make sure that the school and style you choose is the right one and that you get the most out of training and the most out of the money you spend.

    I also have a growing list of articles on each martial art so you can read about the differences between each style.

    Here is a snippet:  

    First things first, determine what your goal for starting martial arts is. You've probably already figured this part out but it helps to spend some time here and really analyze why you are considering martial arts and whether or not it is what you need.

    Write down the reason(s) you are starting martial arts so you can take a look at them. Number them in order of what is most important to you. Everyone has their own personal reasons for starting martial arts. But only you can be the best judge of why you are starting a journey into martial arts. It's all about what you want and why you want it.

    Here is a list of some of the top reasons many people start training martial arts:

    Physical Fitness


    Stress Reduction

    Recent Martial Arts Popularity

    Sport Competition.

    A new hobby.

    Interest in Martial Arts Culture.

    Hope this helps!

  11. it happens 2 every1  not reallybut it happend to me in only 16 me and some friends were going to mikes house at like 2am and we were ablock away from where we started and a car pulls up[ and a group of ppl are in the acr and ask if we smoke we say no  ok w/e they drive off to the right down a main road we continue walking across the street to 7 11 and when we come out they are waiting on the outside of 7 11 we think its them again but not sure so we go up the block and they pull out and go up like three block parallel to the street that we are on and they come around head on 2 black ppl about the ageof 26+ come out of the car and aproach us with 1 white dude in the car driving he has his lights out so cant c any plates the 2 black ppl  well 1 of them had a lead pipe behind his back they tell us to run out pockets and **** and there was like 5 of us but the ppl i was with werent much of the fighting type  the  basters jacked my money that i won from owning pplz in pool

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