I have always been a dog owner, but because of my busy schedule, people have been suggesting that I get a cat because they are more independent. I don't know anything about cats. I would like to know everything I can about owning a cat for the first time, please answer some of my questions and/or anything else you think that I should know about getting a cat, especially the common problems that come with owning a cat.
My situation:
I'm gone from home about 3-10 hours daily. I would like a relaxed pet that enjoys cuddling and playing, but doesn't get to excited or need too much attention. Also a cat that doesn't need much grooming, so something with short hair. Here are some questions that I can think of.
~I would like a companion, but a pet that doesn't require a lot of maintenance. I would like something I can hold and play with, is a cat a good choice?
~Should I get a kitten or an older cat?
~Should I get two at once? I've heard that two cats will keep each other occupied.
~Is there a certain breed that is more relaxed and friendly (not wild, or needy)?
~Are they expensive? About how much are common costs?
~Do they really potty train themselves?
~I would like a house cat, but if he gets outside will he get lost? Should I use a leash?
~Are females or males easier?
~Should they get "fixed"?
~Do they really tear up your furniture?
~Do I have to pet proof (wires, etc.)?
~Are they messy (litter box, etc.)?
~Are they loud?
~Are they needy?
~A lot of people offer free kittens? Is this okay? or should I adopt, or get from a pet store? What is best?
~Do they have a lot of health problems? Do they get sick a lot? What is common?
That's all I can think of now, but if there is more I need to know. Please post.