
Been to Japan, London, and Rome in the last several years. Where next?

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For next year, I've thought of Greece (maybe too far), Ireland (maybe too boring), Maccu Pichu (maybe too hard to get to), Costa Rica (not much to see there). Where would you go next if you had the money?




  1. If you're up for it, try Colombo, Sri Lanka- one heck of a night life there

  2. train across canada to the canadian rockies.. beautiful to Prince Edward Island...

    they have cuises up there too.. think that would be interesting

  3. I would go to Hawaii!I luv Hawaii and wanted to be there ever since.And the niagra falls would probably be really cool too.And u should try Canada!

  4. Bali.If you took AUS $600.00 you could buy very fancy and cool things.I would buy a PS3 and all the games if i were you.

  5. Paris.


  6. I toured S. China and then went down into SE Asia by train.. I was on the road for 6 months and loved every min of it..  Don't even ask me about the woman, hahhhaha..  That was back in 2005..  China, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar,  All I spent was about 5K

  7. I would go to Thailand or India experience a different culture, traditions, food! :D

  8. austrailia, egypt, spain, paris, germany ( if you can go for octoberfest that would be pretty cool)

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