
Been told 30% chance for child with 75 Borderline IQ to enter special school is this true?

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I'm an Aussie and I have a child with Asperger's Syndrome. I have been told that there is only a 30% chance of my child being placed in the special school as child has IQ of 75 (Borderline).Is this true or am I being fobbed?





  1. My hope is that they wouldn't just be considering test scores for your child's placement.  Test scores are only one part of the puzzle.  Are you currently in America or in Australia?  In the US, we have parent advocates, who can go into meetings with you for moral support and to help you understand what you are being told.  If you have a strong opinion one way or the other one what is best for your child, make sure you speak up, regardless of what the administration says.

  2. I'm not really sure what you are asking.  Are you fearful of your child being placed in a special school?  Or are you worried that your child will NOT receive special placement, therefore not getting all the help your child needs?

    Here in the States, I have a son with a borderline IQ of 79.  He is in special placement and thriving!  He is not autistic, nor does he have any specific diagnosis except to be called "Other Health Impaired" or "OHI".

    Fortunately or unfortunately, he is of a "low-normal" IQ (borderline).  What that means here in the States is that funding may not always be available to him because he has no formal diagnosis of a "syndrome", etc.  Currently, though, he has been able to remain in special placement with all the bells and whistles intact.  He receives OT, PT and speech therapies, along with adjusted curriculum and classroom assistants.  He does "mainstream" for science and social science with assistance.

  3. Hi

    My son is 15 and has just been diagnosed with aspergers last year. We all knew something was unique about him but no one would help. When they tested his iq it was 76 and he wasn't entitled to any help but they placed him in classes with other children who did have help so he could benefit too. He is now entering year 9 in a public school in Melbourne. We are to meet with the integration coordinator as soon as possible after school starts back. I wish you luck and best wishes.

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