
Been trying 8 months need help?????

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So me and my Husband have been trying for our 2nd baby now for 8 months and I feel like we have been doing everything right taking ovulation test and having s*x when it says you are supposed to and nothing with my first baby we didn'tt even try I was even on birth control what could be going on this time????? Thanks for the help!!!!




  1. Your probably trying too hard.  Since my miscarriage in March I have been doing and trying EVERYTHING...... nothing.  It took me 6mos to conceive our daughter and 10mos to conceive the second (ended in the mc), so I'm trying to accept that it's just not something that comes "easy" for me and have decided to quit trying so darn hard just this last month and I have to say, I'm already way more relaxed.  It will happen.  

  2. Chloebelle is spot on!! just relax.. when ever you think about it, just push it out of your mind. try just 1 month of not thinking about it at all and i bet thats your month!

  3. try using pre-seed. i used it and got pregnant the first month itself!!!!

  4. talk to a doctor they should give you more options keep trying stay tough it will happen :)  make sure ur eating healthy ( i have no idea if this affects but it might :))

  5. Consider in vitro  

  6. I got pregnant (twice) after years of trying and then just reach a point where I didn't think about it getting pregnant (I was visiting family) and the other time, I was okay with getting another negative pregnancy test (what a surprise it was when it was positive).  Both times, I planned ahead.  It wasn't about "I want to get pregnant now or please let it be this month" it was "I will try for 2 years and then move on.  It felt different (emotionally) both times I conceived.

    I lost my last pregnant last May and have been trying again.  I know what it feels like when that stress is there and when its now.   All  I can say is that it's a peace inside of you.  I can't tell you how to get it because I'm struggling right now with trying to get there myself.  I'm trying to beat the due date with is only 2 months away so I know that that's playing a big part in the stress.

    There is also Clomid.  It's a low cost fertility medicine that boost ovulation and also helps those that don't ovulate.

  7. Stress will do it.  Same thing happened to my husband and I.  We concentrated on concieving a baby so was stressing me out.  Did the ovulation kit deal, I even did some infertility treatments, just to rule some things out.  Nothing seemed to work for us.  Finally, I just gave up on putting so much effort in to getting pregnant and didn't stress to much on the issue........ as soon as I did "wham" I got pregnant.  (almost a month later)  Now we have 2 beautiful girls and we are DONE.  Good luck.  Take it easy and try not to stress. It'll happen for you guys.

  8. Birth control can actually stimulate ovulation if not taken correctly. Some people who are infertile get put on the pill for a bit, then they stop it to kick start ovulation. If you weren't taking the pill regularly, you may have stimulated your ovulation and fertility (environment for concieving). Are you positive you are ovulating? Maybe you should chart your temp just to make sure....thats the best way, a temp shift doesn't lie!

    Also, it may be your husband, maybe his sperm count is low. Make him wear loose boxers, no bike riding, no hot baths, no drinking or taking drugs etc.

  9. Every situation is different thinking about it to much can sometimes be a problem because you are making yourself stress it took me a year to get pregnant but if you already have a child then there is probably nothing wrong it will just take time I'll trow some baby dust your way

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