
Been ttc for about 2 years?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I have been trying for about 2 years. Nothing yet I have irregular periods sometimes only every four months. there for a while it was like clockwork but only every four months the last period I had was in may and the one before that was november so that was different, because i hadnt had one in six months. I have seen 3 different doctors in the last year but they all seem to over look it and just come off with it not being a big deal and ignore it. cysts do run in the family so im pretty sure this is what it is. What are the chances that I will get pregnant naturally. And are there any natural remedies That will help me get pregnant since the doctors dont really care.





  1. You need to run, don't walk, to a reproductive endocrinologist.  An RE is a fertility specialist and his/her job is to get you pregnant.  It sounds like you've been seeing OBGYNs who don't have the knowledge and skill level of an RE.  Having a period every four months is not normal, whether it just started or has always been that way.  Also, you need to see if you have cysts, which could be an important clue here as well.  It sounds like you may have PCOS.

    In any case, it's been 2 years.  All the natural remedies aren't going to get you pregnant if you have a bigger fertility issue underlying.  Have you had your tubes checked to see if they're open?  Has your partner had a sperm analysis?  You could be looking at male and female issues.  You won't know for sure until you get tests done.

    If you really want to get pregnant, go seen an RE ASAP.  They will properly test, diagnose, and treat you so you can get pregnant sooner.

    Good luck.

  2. ok first iam sorry to hear about this but your not the only one who was in this boat aswel. iam only 21 and i was told that i would never be a mum or have kids naturally. i went to 5 different doctors to try and help me fall pregnant and not one of them gave a *** at all. it hurt me so much because i had so much love for a baby and no baby to give it too. i use to watch on telly about all them mums who leave there babies and the killings and i would cry all the time, so i do understand how your feeling. i had been trying for 3 yrs and nothing was happening so i gave up trying. i was about to pay 2 grand for a operation in a private hospital to help me fall pregnant because cysts run in my family bad. as i was going for my blood test to rule out i wasnt pregnant so they could do the operation, they come back in and told me we cant operate on you and i cried asking why and they said because you have a belly full of arms and legs. i found out i was 2 months pregnant and i didnt even know. it was a mirical that i fell pregnant according to all my doctors i seen, so it can be done. all i can say to you is, STOP trying and just let mother nature do its thing. you need to let time do its job and just play the waiting game, i understand its no fair because you have so much love for a child and dont have one, you just need to wait,let time do its thing and it will come to you. good luck and i hope it works out for you soon.

  3. I'm so sorry that it is taking you so long to concieve.  Sounds to me that you need to do a little research and find an OB who will take you seriously.  I'm shocked to hear that 3 have pretty much blown you off already since according to the medical profession you should seek advice if you've been trying for over a year without results.  At this point you and your husband should be able to go in for fertility testing.

  4. have s*x all day every day

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