So nowadays i keep on thinking about s*x and how it is coz people i know don't really talk about it and i've been watching stuff on the net aka p**n which i feel bad about since i'm 17 in october and i think it's illegal in the UK. The thing is can it be traced on my computer, i want to remove everything coz if anyone finds out i don't what i'm gonna say. does anyone know any free microsoft or xp stuff i could download to remove all trces from my computer. I delete it from my histroy on the interent but is that enough? Or should i just restart my interent. I know i shouldn't have in the first place but all my friends are having s*x and i've never had a bf so i was just curious.
Any help anyone, coz i'm desperate to make a new start!
Also could it be traced on 'my documents'. I haven't downlosded anything, just watched them on sites. Please help
Gwen (now in bristol)