
Been with your husband for ten yrs and he dont want s*x and you do,i tried forplay and he pushes me away help?

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Been with your husband for ten yrs and he dont want s*x and you do,i tried forplay and he pushes me away help?




  1. buy a big toy. and just bust it out in front of him and have fun.

  2. well thats why men have affairs

  3. you  mail and get  free psychological consultation

  4. Maybe he's just not that into you anymore?

    Have you let yourself go, put on weight, don't bother getting dressed, slob around in dressing gown all day - have no conversation?

    If he's a guy who needs visual or intellectual stimulation from his partner, then you are the problem.

  5. I would cheat, if I am with a woman and she doesn't have s*x with me, then I will find someone who will.  I'll tell her about it, too.  Unfortunately, men are different because they have to get it up for s*x, they can't just put out.

    A)He's g*y  B)He's cheating(I guess) C)He's not attracted to you.  What kind of shape are you in?

  6. Are you sure he's not getting it somewhere else, sounds exactly the same as one of my friends who wouldn't have s*x with his wife and a couple of years later his girlfriend who was sick of being the other woman turned up on their doorstep and told my mates wife what had been going on. Not one of his friends knew anything about it because he kept it hidden so well

  7. hes comfortable...hes in a time of life where its not that important anymore. you need to talk about it instead of pushing it on him. try making a nice dinner and putting on something s**y....if that doesnt work,  find out what HE needs. maybe hes feeling neglected as well in areas of foreplay....if you know what I mean. if all else fails and you try and jump him like in the shower and he dosent respond...then he might be cheating.....sorry to say, but good luck!

  8. Wow, it seems your mate is not really tuned into you, sorry to say. Something is seriously wrong. Look into it. ☼

  9. Not enough info here.

    But in general, figure out what the difference is between before this happened, I guess like 3 months to a year ago, and now.

    Just some thoughts off the cuff:

    Work stress, financial stress, physical/age changes - maybe his libido isn't what it was, erectile dysfunction that he doesn't want to admit.

    Did you used to take a while to warm up to s*x, not wanting it much if at all, but now want it more?  Maybe he enjoyed "the hunt" of trying to seduce you.  Or has something changed on your side that makes him not as attracted to you? (Have you given up bathing? LOL)

    Maybe he is attracted to a new woman, or even a man.  But really, that should make him aroused enough that, if he can't have the other person, he would want what he can get.. (i.e. you).

    I would gently ask him, don't put him on the defensive.

  10. That's not good.

    If you're even half-decent looking he sounds like an idiot.

    Or soul-dead from corporate demands.

  11. he is either getting old and can not get it up for you or maybe thinks he will not be able to last long enough to satisfiy you so why even start?? if that's not the case then you are in some serious relationship trouble because he is either whakking off to p**n and getting it there or he is cheating. I would just talk to him about it. After all if you can not talk about s*x with one another than you probably shouldn't be having s*x after all. i hope all works out and he give you tha bootay! good luck !

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