
Beep test or 12 minute run?

by Guest57038  |  earlier

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I'm jsut wondering but does anyone else out there have to do the Beep test or the 12 minute run? the 12 min run is just running around the gym for 12 min but the goal is to stay running and get as many laps as possible... it's harder than it sounds...

if anyone else does have to do it what do you get on the beep test or how many laps do you do for the 12min run?

I got 9.5 on the BEEP TEST

I got 31 laps on the 12 MINUTE RUN

if anyone knows me by these scores i'm watching you...




  1. Yahh I have to do both of those in gym. I LOVE running. Its my favorite sport. :)

  2. yes been doing that for a long time now to be honest with you and now i dont really mind it because the body has got used to me doing it all now! once you have had enough practice at doing both of these activities it gets less stemiious and it becomes a lot more easier to get a better beep test level and more laps around on the 12 minute run because the stamina is already working through out the body because the body has been put under these situations so many times.

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