
Beer, what's your favorite flavor?

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i love hefe wiess (Franziskaner) the taste is like not other.

but my favorite beer would be Chimay.

sweet necture of the gods!




  1. Mississippi Mud.

  2. with homebrewing growing there are so many different beers around now from chocolate flavors to honey and herb. So its becoming harder to choose with so many choices out there.  During the summer i prefer a lighter beer and corona light or mich ultra  are usually my choices ,  rest of the year i'll mix in  Abita Purple Haze and Sam Adams.

  3. My favorite flavor beer is the one that contains, Alcohol, Barley and Hops....

  4. i really like a heavy home brew with a bit of honey.

    at the store i really like the creamy, vanilla taste of blue moon.

    for summer-time bbq's, i like a light beer and molson.

  5. Moose Drool, or Guiness

  6. Favorite beer flavor is very difficult to choose. I am with you that a great German wheat beer is a perfect brew for the summer time.  I like Franziskaner a great deal, but my favorite of this particular style is Schneiderweiss.  The Franz tends to emphasize the banana flavors, SW leans towards the clove end of the yeast spectrum

    If you like Chimay (assuming it's the blue label) I highly recommend you also try the following Belgians: St. Bernardus ABT12, and Rochefort 10.  Personally I love St. B and it is probably my favorite of this style category.  Here are some other great beers of different styles:

    Stout: Youngs Double Chocolate

    Imperial Stout: North Coast Rasputin

    IPA: Bells Two Hearted

    Porter: Edmund Fitzgerald Porter

    American Wheat: Bells Oberon

    Trippel: La Fin Du Monde

    Lambic: Cantillon Louie Pepe (Any fruit)

    Bitter: Fullers 1845

    Pilsner: Pilsner Urquell (In a brown bottle not green)

    Saison: Any of the Fantome line-up

    American Belgian: Jolly Pumpkin La Roja

    American Pale: Brooklyn Pale

    Barley Wine: Sierra Nevada Big Foot

    Weizen Bock: Aventinus (If you want to try a BIG wheat beer, try this!)

    There is just so many great beers out there.  Love life, love beer.  I am glad to read something regarding beer other than Bud/Miller/Coors.  I am very fond of Larry Bell's quote which goes something like this "If god wanted us to drink filtered beer, he wouldn't have given us livers..."

  7. I don't like beer, it tastes like what I imagine dirty socks would taste like haha.

  8. umm.... I like Michelob Ultra Light

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