
Beer!!!!!! Making your own!!!

by  |  earlier

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Just a couple of questions:

1. How much time does it take to make beer?

2. is it possible to make high-end beer with a home-kit?




  1. i would leave it out over night to cook. and yea i think itis  possible  to make  a high end beer from your own home kit

  2. I figure half a day to set up, 2 weeks in the primary fermenter, 2 weeks in the secondary fermenter, and a week and a half in the bottle to carbonate. However, when I make spruce beer, I let it bottle-condition for a year or two before drinking.

    You can make high-end beer with an equipment kit but you will have better results buying the supplies you want rather than buying them in kit form. Hint: stay aray from Mr Beer and similar toy kits.

  3. I generally set aside a day for beer making, the day before making sure I have all ingredients and equipment.

    The actual making of the beer takes me about 4 hours to make a 5 gallon batch, plus another hour for clean up.

    bottling day, I take about 2 hours bottling into 12 ounce bottles, much less for kegging.  Again, the time is in the prep.  Sterilize bottles just before hand, this can also take an hour.  Cap the bottles, clean up, then wait.

    I have found that from start to finish, I will spend about 5 weeks before enjoying the efforts of my labors.

    And yes, I can make better than I can buy from the macro brewers.  If there is something I want to change, I can change it.

    As for the "beer kits", I don't rely on them, never used them.  It sounds like the "easy way out".  Just get a brew book, from the library, make your own list of gear you need, pick a recipe, and get with it.

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