
Beer in a can or beer in a glass bottle. Whats your thoughts? The good the bad .?

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Beer in a can or beer in a glass bottle. Whats your thoughts? The good the bad .?




  1. More satisfying to drink from a glass bottle; less fun to carry the glass bottle. So if at home, glass. If transporting, can. Hard to go wrong either way!

  2. Definitely the glass bottle tastes much better than a can, imho.

  3. glass bottle, tastes better

  4. tastes better in a glass bottle, but usually more expensive.

    i dont care what it is beer is beer.!

    yay beer!

  5. It depends on the maker and style. Some are better in a glass or bottle, some in a can. Also, you're own prefernce plays a part. Listen to other's advice, but in the end, your own tastes should rule.

  6. Beer should always be poured into a glass for the best flavor and aroma experience. Cans get a bad reputation because typically, cheap crappy beers come in cans. But with modern technology, cans have a lining so that they do not taint the beer with a 'metallic' flavor. Overall, better beers are bottled in brown-glass bottles or even opaque ceramic bottles.  

    There are actually some craft brewers producing beer in cans (Sly Fox & Oskar Blues are two I know for sure)...Oskar Blues makes an ale called Ten Fidy in a can. It is a Russian Imperial Stout that is highly regarded as one of the best beers in America. Check it out here:

  7. Bottle is better because you can see it

  8. Tastes better in a glass bottle, the cans tend to have a metallic taste.

  9. !beeR is nasty!

  10. None of the beers that I drink come in a can. So I can only say that a non filtered, bottle conditioned beer is my preference.

  11. Preferably, in a cup. But if i had to choose between the two, id say glass bottle

  12. bottle tastes better but more in can and the can is cheaper so i suppose it depends on your funds really.

  13. Years ago I'd have said bottle only, because cans imparted a taste.  Recently I had occasion to drink out of a can (NASCAR don't allow glass bottles), and it wasn't bad.  I didn't notice a taste other than the beer.  

    I still prefer a bottle because it keeps the beer cold longer, at least in my opinion.

  14. glass bottles if i have the luxury but i wouldnt mind downing a few tall cans at a show

  15. I don't really like beer, but if I'm given a choice of bottle or can, I take the bottle. Glass doesn't leave a weird after taste... well, nothing weirder than the beer already has. lol

  16. Actually, a can keeps beer colder longer than a bottle does.  Either way is fine with me, as well as keg beer in a glass.

  17. well my parents drink it in a bottle cause sometimes they dont clean the cans so well

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