
Beer or licquer?

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would u rather have beer or liquer??




  1. Beer...specifically ales. Stouts, IPAs, Barleywines, dubels, Quads, name it. I love them. And you don't need a mixer or splash of water to make it taste good.



    You do realize that a serving of 40%/80 proof liquor and a serving of 5% beer have exactly the same amount of actual alcohol in them.

    1.5oz / 40% = 0.6oz ethanol alcohol

    12oz / 5% = 0.6oz ethanol alcohol

    Still don't believe me? Check the math...or search alcohol equivalence.

    And to everyone who doesn't like the taste of beer...STOP DRINKING BAD BEER. Including but not limited to:


    Bud Light


    MGD Light

    Miller Lite


    Coors Light



    PBR is acceptable... PBR almost tastes like real beer.

  2. beer if i'm smoking weed, and liquor if I'm not smoking weed, liquor gets you f*cked up fast and hard, beer gives you a nice controlled drunk.

  3. Probably beer.  I rarely drink, especially hard alcohol.  When I do drink something hard it's usually straight shots of Vodka.  (Any brand)

  4. I hope that now that you are expecting twins that you do not put any mood altering substance in your body as it will damage your babies.  Save the celebrating until after they are born.

  5. Depends on how/what kind of drinking you're going for and also how much you have to spend.

  6. liquer any day!

    beer is vile to mee, ppl have to have a required taste for it.

    if you wanna pick up some good liquer i would suggest bacardi or mr. boston (way cheeper)

  7. i think beer has a better drunk but i hate the taste of beer plus you need more of it. liquor for sure
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