
Beer question?

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If you let a beer stand open for 24 hours, does it once opened start fermentation again and increase the alcohol level? (Yes I know its nasty to drink 24 hour old beer, but im curious) :)




  1. no,water down beer taste,and a rotten taste

  2. The Coach got it.  Beer should be at a complete stand still in terms of potential fermentation prior to its packaging due to the danger of "bottle bombs".  Even if you did just crack it open and get some fermentation out of it you'd likely wind up with a wild fermentation that would leave you with sour or funky beer.  It would most likely be safe so feel free to experiment, but at best you're going to wind up with flat gross beer.

  3. i dont know, but you could get really sick, really easily that way, and off of like one beer too.

  4. coach said they fermentable sugars have already been consumed by the yeast.

    That and most store bought beer has bee filtered to remove any traces of yeast.

  5. As much as we would all love higher levels of alcohol in our beer- unfortunately when you leave it open it doesn't ferment again as you need live yeast in order to ferment.  Thus, when you leave a bud out for 24 hours, the only thing you're going to get is something that tastes worse than Milwaukee's Best beer (a difficult task if in my own opinion).

  6. I doubt it since most of the fermentable sugars have probably already been converted to alcohol -- meaning there is no more food for wild yeast to eat.
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