
Bees, Where are the bees? Why are they disappearing?

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This is the first time in my life that I havent seen a single honeybee during the summer. I see wasps, yellow jackets hornets,and bumble bees but I havent seen a single honey bee all summer. I am an avid gardener by the way.




  1. To tell you the truth, I haven't seen them either.

    But I think it's just the weather here, it's been raining for the last 3 weeks.

    What a summer...  

  2. It might have something to do with genetically modified crops:

    It worries me too, because without bees, the Earth wouldn't last FOUR more years.

  3. Sure.

    Why not?

    Look in the real world.

    On excessive dosage of pesticide.

    Being fed through the roots of the plants?

    As an easy work done in the fields.

    Instead of spraying or misting.

    That can be wash by the rain.

    What do we expect the bees to pollinate with?

    With every flowers having been laced with pesticides?

    Surely they all got drunk and knock out for good in time?

    Where do we get the next harvest from without pollination?

    How do we expect the plants to bear harvest in time?

    Go ahead.

    Increase the dosage in time.

    With self lack of knowledge.

    On lack of simple basic science on survival in time.

    Don't blame the little children.

    When there's no longer food on the table.

    But having a desk-top of computer games in feeding them in time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  4. Well there are plenty where I live swarming all over my two flowering trees in front of my house.  

  5. I have 6 hives that are producing large amounts of honey. When they split earlier in the spring I gave away 3 hives to friends and missed 3 that went wild. I first started having bees for sure pollination of my garden. Maybe you might want to get a hive for your garden. They are simple to keep and no bother.

  6. Where I live the bees are still buzzing and annoying me.

  7. Global warming, pesticides, cell phones, chemicals, atomic bomb testing, etc., all are contributing to the extinction of the honey bee population. What can be next to start going?

  8. There was an article on this in newsweek.

    I don't really remember the details, but the main reason is that they're dying out. In certain countries like China, people are using technology to cross-pollinate the plants, instead of the natural way of letting bees do it themselves. The bees thus cannot eat the nectar, or something, and die.

    Another reason could be the changes in climate. Increased temperature, increased pollution, all these factors can affect the biodiversity and the bees.  

  9. The bee population has been reduced,  due to a virus. Plan on honey prices to go through the roof.

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