
Bees going in and out of air brick in my house.any advice on dealing with it should i just leave it be.?

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Bees going in and out of air brick in my house.any advice on dealing with it should i just leave it be.?




  1. block it up use blue tak or something temporary, any trapped inside will die..shame but it will stop the problem getting worse and will prob stop them comig back

  2. hi, have they nested in there?

  3. Call in a pest control specialist and they might be able to remove them if they can get access to them.

  4. Are you absolutely sure they are bees?

    Check out this next video and see if in fact what you have are wasps.

    This next link will show you a picture of a wasp.  If this is the same as the insect going into your air bricks - then you have a wasp nest inside your house.

    Wasp facts - BBC

    If you have a wasp nest inside your house, under the floor or where-ever - do not on any account try to get rid of these wasps yourself.

    Go to your council's website on-line and check out their pest control section.  You'll find they can get rid of a wasps nest for about £50 or so.  A private pest control company will charge in the region of about £150.

    good luck. . . .bzzzzzz

    P.S. Wasps are not a problem until the end of Summer when they have little or no food, they can become angry and aggressive - BEWARE.

  5. If they are bees, then see if a local beekeeper can remove them for you.

  6. Go out and but sevin dust and put some where the enter between your bricks. It will stick to their wings and they will take it back to the nest. When they rub against other bee's it will kill them. It works by attacking their nervous system. I will guarantee that it will work for you. I've helped many people out with their bee problems. Make sure that you fix their entrance or else next year.......

  7. If it doesn't bother you too much, then leave them alone, but remember this, honey is not the best thing to have large quantities of in the walls of your house. It may attract a variety of other pests in the future, from ants to rodents. If you plug the hole, they may find an alternate route, perhaps even into the interior of your home. Often, you may be able to find a local bee keeper to take them for free.

  8. In the UK at any rate it's illegal to kill honey bees.

    If you think they've only been there a couple of days then they won't be that attached to their new home and you can try smoking them out with the smoke from burning cardboard.  Of course this may fill your house with smoke too...  If you have a good pharmicist you can use Benzaldehyde crystals, the smell of which bees hate and will fly away from instantly. (It smells of almonds to humans)

    If they have been there a while then they will have built up comb and stored honey.  If you get rid of them the wax and honey will remain drawing in pests.  In some situations (i.e. under a dark roof) very hot weather can cause the combs to melt and collapse dripping honey into whatever's underneath.

    Your best bet is to get a beekeeper as they will have a smoker and probably have Benzaldehyde crystals.

  9. It happened to me one summer. I'm used to bees, because a friend keeps a couple of hives in my garden. The airbrick ones were bigger, and darker in colour,  than the cultivated honey bees. I just left them to their own devices, and  next year they had died out, or moved on. Traffic in and out of the airbrick was two or three a minute, whereas the beehive entrances are like rush hour on the M25.

  10. Hi there, so long as they arent coming into the house, just leave them alone. We have bees nesting in the garden and they just do what they do. They are becoming more rare every year so if they dont bother you then - let them be :))

  11. Try inserting your wiener into the hole, that'll work.

  12. yes, just let them bee.

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