
Before A Fight Do You Stare Your Opponent Out?

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  1. I do it, but for a few reasons. I don't want to fight. But the stare down can make them back down. That way, you never throw a punch. Or people will sometimes step in and break it up before it starts, nobody hurt.

    If they decide they want to throw down, sometimes they do it because they feel they have to, but they are so scared they make alot of mistakes.

    It is a good way to size up your opponent. You can tell how hard they are going to fight, but that can sometimes be deceptive. When it's "go" time, anything can happen. Some people look right back just as hard. But it can be dangerous, some are the "silent/strong" type. They do not react in anyway, but they can blast the h**l out of you if you mistake them as weak.

    When you stare someone down, look as ugly, mean, and crazy as possible. BUT pay attention to them at all times. Look for a weakness, look for them to steal a shot on you, etc.

    Another trick I like, is in a stare down, and you KNOW you are going to fight, SNAP your head like a whip into their nose. Sometimes it is the finisher, but if they still stand, it gives you the edge. They stand there regrouping, you get in there and hurt them.

    So to wrap up, yes, I stare down, and so should you. But NEVER count on that as a "be all end all". Just think of it as a weapon in your arsonal. It can help you avoid a fight, it can help you win a fight. But it does not always work so watch out.

    And to put the icing on the cake, never talk to them. Yell in your loudest deepest tone. Make them wish they were never there. If you fight, make them wish they were never born.

  2. yea they do that evey time

  3. Check for a week spot to pound!

  4. sure if it gives you more confidence before entering the ring. better to warm up with your trainer and then listen to a song that will help pump you up before a fight, and then only worry about your opponent when you get in the ring

  5. I do not fight.

  6. I stare right threw em Like im aiming for the back of his head

    but the only way of hitting the back of his head is to go through his face

  7. no - just get in there and get it done

  8. not really, but it depends i guess, theres always that intence moment when you both enter the ring, and you look across to see your opponent squinting there eyes to intimidate you

  9. Nope I ask them if they are sure they want to do this then I let thenm take the first swing and after that it tends not to go very well for them

  10. depends. i just concentrate on my game plan

  11. A good stare down can win you a fight, showing no fear and seeming more positive about the fight than the other guy can make a world of difference and can win you the fight before one fist is thrown. A lot of fighters lose the fight before they even get into the ring, 15 years as a boxer and 10 years as a coach as shown that to be true.

  12. No I've never done that myself but I can tell you some fighters that were masters at the art of the staredown.  Sonny Liston had the meanest most menacing stare of any fighter I've ever seen and George Foreman particularly a young Foreman also had a very intimidating staredown too.

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