
Before Economics Can Progress...Must It Abandon Its Suicidal Formalism?

by Guest65984  |  earlier

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Before Economics Can Progress...Must It Abandon Its Suicidal Formalism?




  1. depends what you call "progress" & uhhh duhh it seems to have done pretty good so far huh??

  2. its getting hot in

  3. Can you elaborate more please?

  4. What do you mean by that exactly?

  5. Yes.  It makes absolutely no sense to lower rates for a short term fix when the entire real estate lending industry is underwater. What does our government do?  They react by throwing good money after bad causing the country to go further in debt. Prior to that we revved up the stock market with hollow companies showing absolutely no profit. Whatever happened to supply and demand which eventually leads to equilibrium.   We as a country are in so much debt due to our suicidal formalism that we are going to controlled by China and India.  Better prepare for the future, forget learning Spanish, you better learn Mandarin if you want to survive.

  6. The whole structure is wrong if thats what you're getting at, so it needs to get rid of its reoccuring financial collapse, which is about to happen just like it did in the great depression, but worse. It collapses, because the methods used in captailism and bureacracies and corporations are that they all follow greed, take that away and you have an economy that grows from human advancement, not human suffering. So every once in a while it collapses, things get better, collaspses again, and well this time I believe its just going to stay there, but I think the gov knows that and knows money wont be important in a few years, so might as well benefit from it, at the expense of others of course.

  7. Suicide is not the problem. It only eliminates only few people to feed. The greatest impact that can make a significant difference is EDUCATION and that applies to equally for males and females. Cultures that prohibit females from obtaining education is wasting a valuable resource. Education is the key and helps third world nations to become self sufficient in feeding itself. And developing nations to compete in higher technology manufacturing. Thus reducing low wages purely based on cheap labor. Look what Korea, Taiwan and Chine has been achieving.

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