
Before Enlisting!!!!

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I'm thinking about joining the Marines. What is everything I need to have before I sign on the dotted line?

Rank (E-2/3), bonuses, MOS?

There are so many Marine jobs that it is *really* hard for me to choose.

Will I need to choose one before I commit or can I choose after I join?

Thank you!




  1. If you are planning on joining the Marines plan on being a Marine.  They only offer a small percentage of guaranteed contracts.  If a specific job is important make sure you also check into the Navy and Army.

  2. Yikes the USMC?  Ok...definately get an MOS before you sign that line, going in with an unclassified MOS is a great way to be scraping paint off a battleship for four years, pick something youre interested in, and something you can take with you when you complete your enlistment, I made the mistake of going infantry and had very few marketable skills after I got out, but any civilian job (with the exception of medical careers for the USMC who uses the Navy medical guys) is available in the USMC, pick something you can see yourself doing for four years or more.  The people who are the happiest with their military careers do the research and find out all they can before they go in.  Check out the other three branches even if you do have your heart set on the USMC, they have great opporunities as well.  Your local recruiters will have other DEPS (Delayed Enlistment processees) that you can meet with and they often have functions where you can interact with others thinking of joining and active duty personnel, I highly reccomend attending these events before you sign.  As far as promotions that is based on your performance, your knowledge of your MOS, and any coursework (civilian and military) that you complete while youre in, take advantage of the education opportunities, they are often free or greatly discounted and will help you move through the ranks and secure a college degree when youre out.  The military can be a great start to a lot of opportunity, but do the research and make sure its something you want to do, nothing is more expensive than regret.  But for the love of God DO NOT SIGN WITHOUT PICKING AN MOS!!

  3. It really depends on what you want to do, but I would defiantly choose a job before signing the contract, you don't want to get stuck doing something you don't want to do. My fiance is 0311, infantry and it sucks but he does it because that is what he has always wanted to do. Marine corps bonuses though are not as great as Army sign on so if you are more interested in the money, maybe officer candidate school.  

  4. Get you MOS done before you join! Once your in the wheels of change turn slow for MOS jumps.

    Yes it is refered to as your MOS and you might be able to pick up 1 grade but usually nothing more. College grads should consider OCS not enlisted.

    The Marines are unlike any other service out there. Rank is not given out past E-3 (Lance Corporal) it must be earned. Being a Marine is not a given. There is a drop out rate even in boot camp. Choose a job that serves you well, something you can be passionate about. It will not matter if it transfers out into the civilian world. As a Marine you will have plenty of marketable skills when you get out, it will just depend on if you apply them.

    I have been out for 10 years now and part of me still misses my days as a Marine. My first few years where difficult, but after that my work ethic and refusale to fail at anything I did was what made me sucessful. You will know success when you no longer have to search for a job becuase people are always offering you one. God bless and God speed

    Semper Fi.

  5. You would be better off to sign up for college where the promises are kept! Not get suckered into a bunch of false promises and lies..  

  6. I strongly reccomend that you chose an mos before enlisting.for real. once your in and you have no mos chosen,they can pretty much put you where they want you,whether you like it or not.

  7. All of these are good questions for a recruiter but I'll answer them to the best of my ability.

    You can earn PFC thru referrals and a few other means (so ask your recruiter)

    The Marine Corps doesn't hand out bonuses so don't expect one. If you do amazing on your ASVAB or agree to a quick ship then you may be eligible to receive a bonus, but don't expect one.

    MOS - you ASVAB line scores will qualify you for different MOS's however you only choose your occupational field. Once you complete boot camp you'll be assigned your specific MOS based on what you qualify for and the needs of the Marine Corps.

    You should Definitely choose your occupational field when you are working out your contract. Going in on an open contract is never a good idea because the Marine Corps can then do whatever they want with you.

    Good luck!

  8. You should pick  a job that you would enjoy doing and is pretty marketable on the outside (i don't think the marines use the term MOS, you should familiarize yourself with the jargon, it'll make life easier for you).  You should also talk to a recruiter about what you can do to get rank.  If it's like the army there should be programs that would get you 1 or 2 pay grades.  E4 is usually reserved for college grads.  Bonuses usually come with the time when you enlist and by job.  Another alternative would be to shoot for College ROTC, this way you get a college degree, maybe even a masters, paid for, and you get to go in as an officer where the pay and benefits are substantially better.
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