
Before I buy a iphone 3g I need help?

by  |  earlier

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1.) Where is a good place to buy one (about $400) were i don't have to get a contract and I don't have to bid on it.

2.) I need to be 1000% sure I can change it to T-Mobile.




  1. u cant buy it without the contract, and u cant change to tmobile unless u unlock it, which is risky.  

  2. iPhone 3G HAS NOT yet been fully unlocked so you are out of luck. Your only bet is craigslist for a 3g, but most likely u will find most priced at 500+

  3. you cant get a canadian 3g because if you buy it and unlock it for usa you ill void the warranty. also if you are not getting a contract there is no difference with the 3g all it does is allow you to have internet through your carrier will there is no free wifi in the area so therefore you will be paying for it. but if you really want one fore cheap i know you said no bidding but there is buy it now on ebay.

  4. you should go to aus or asia to buy one it wiil be so much cheper

  5. your local cingular (AT&T now) store, they carry just the phone.

    It is much more expensive without the plan.

    this will only work if T-mobile uses a sim card like AT&T.

  6. find someone who can switch it to t-mobile or wait till t-mobile gets a touch phone (i like the iphone better than anyother phone)

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