
Before I take my cat to the vet.....?

by Guest21456  |  earlier

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Is there a home remedy for ringworm for animals? Do animals get ringworm? thanks in advance!!




  1. I dont know I took my cat to the vet so many times hes very healthy. Only got some fleas from going outside but that was it.

  2. i dont think so the cat needs a perscription, yes animals do indeed get ringworm, its not a big deal he just needs some meds and h**l be okay!!!

  3. Ringworm is a well known fungus that can infect cats, dogs, and humans. Many people have either had or known someone that has had a ringworm infection. There are several different forms of the fungus, all of which can infect either you or your pet. The diagnosis and treatment is fairly straightforward for all species, however, some species of ringworm in cats can be much more difficult. Every pet owner should be aware of the symptoms, transmission, and treatment or ringworm..

  4. My cat had ringworm years ago. The vet told me a lot of animals who get ringworm get put to sleep because it is a long process getting rid of it and ringworm is very contagious. My vet gave me medicine to put on the spots daily but we also had to bath the cat daily with medicated shampoo. Not a fun thing, to bath a cat every day. It took a long time (and some of family got ringworm from the cat) but my cat did heal and get rid of it. She is now 15 years old and still going........................

  5. no i dont think there is  but i mit be rong SO!!

  6. Yes cats can get ringworm. It is best to have it diagnosed by the vet before trying to treat it yourself. Animals l**k their fur and you don't want to apply something that could be harmful.

  7. Yes they get ring worm.. and Yes,  You can get if from them too..

    yes there is a home remedy for it..  Miconazole cream.. available at pharmacys.. and Miconazole shampoo available at pet stores or vets..

    A vet can also give revolution, since it seems that it also has some effect on killing the fungus in cats and dogs..

    But.. best bet.  atleast 1 trip to make sure it is indeed ringworm, since you have no  idea if they have it or if they have mange or something else.

  8. I don't think there is a home remedy, but 4 years ago when my two kittens were 4 & 6 weeks old, they got ringworm. Vets said since they are so young they should be euthanized.

    They also said that if I really wanted to keep them then I need to bathe them with a special shampoo which they gave me. They got over it in a a few weeks. Now, they are 5 years old and have very beautiful coats!

    If you think your cat has ringworm,  I suggest you take it to a veterinarian ASAP. If you have other furry animals, it can spread to them to. So in my opinion its easier to treat one then 2 or more cats.

    While & a few weeks after your cat is being treated wash its bedding in hot water and let it sun dry. The sun kills the ringworm.

    One last note of caution....if you don't treat soon enough it can spread to you to. I got ringworm once when my kittens had it. Daktarin can be used for humans but not cats. Most pharmacies have it or doctors' offices.

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