
Before I thought Global Warming was a hoax, but how do I spread the real truth on global Warming?

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I saw Al Gore's movie and think the more money we throw at it taxwise, the more we can finally control the weather.




  1. I don't know what to believe about it anymore... There's global warming, to be sure, but what's causing it, is not for sure, at all... It's all so messed up. Plus, it's being used in politics as a vote factory.

  2. How can ya trust a man who believes he invented the internets? LOL.

  3. It is a hoax, and a lie. Gore is a first class nutcase.

  4. cool thy jets, everybody knows.

  5. Global warming IS a hoax. There's a lot of money in global warming. Too many people are making money off of it to say it's not true.

  6. Well, here is what you do.

    Go to your kitchen cabinet and get a glass. Fill it up with water and then take out a packet of kool-aid because that seems to be your favorite drink! There is no such thing as global warming!!!!! Ok the polar ice caps are melting, but Al Gore forgot to mention that 58,000 square feet of ice refroze everyday for a period of ten days!! Thats an important fact. Also, did you know that Al Gore invested millions of dollars in the "global warming" campaign? HMMM NOW WHY WOULD HE DO THAT???? I WONDER.....MAYBE IT HAS TO DO WITH THE MONEY WE THROW AT IT TAXWISE. The size of the earth is huge compared to us. 2% of our daily activities affect the earth. My advice is to not believe everything you hear.

  7. HAHAHA, i love it.

    Al Gore CAN control the weather.

  8. Yes, there is global warming...

    No, man did not create it...

    There have been periods of global warming and cooling all throughout history. It has been scientifically proven.

    Al Gore is a nutcase.

  9. Join

    It is a site committed to spreading awareness about the issues related to climate change.  Al Gore is also a part of this organization.

  10. Good luck with that!  You know he once said that he created the internet as well.  You have to be careful listening to the democrats and what they say.  They are known to say false things. For example, Obama.

  11. People are still falling for the whole Global Warming thing huh? Hmmm, guess I should go "green" then.

  12. The fact that we are not currently in an ice age is a pretty clear indication that global warming is a natural phenomena.  How much did the Industrial Revolution contribute to it?  Well, look at the haze over major metropolitan areas a few miles away while driving towards it.

    I don't think the Earth is going to go away anytime soon, but life is another question all together.

  13. hahah, hilarious.

  14. CONTROL the weather? Al Gore INVENTED the weather.

  15. Sarcasm aside, the debate is actually are you for pollution or against pollution.  Are you for clean air and drinking water, or against clean air and drinking water. Believe global warming or dont, but dont kid yourself into thinking it is all about climate change.  It is about being a caretaker of the world we live in.

  16. HAHAHA...Palin should have told THAT one

    Kudos to you :)

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