
Before Obama joined the lineup of presidential wannabes who had ever heard of him or his senate record.?

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I know Palin was a stranger to most, just as Obama was a stranger to people outside Illinois; and as in most states, a stranger to many if not most people in Illinois. I doubt if many at all outside. Chicago ever heard of him.

Now, Obama's challenge is to come up with some new slogans, since his old retoric is tired and disinteresting.




  1. Whoever heard of Palin?  How many people really know about

    politicians from other States?

  2. i counter this argument with....

    you must want more of the same. big mistake.

  3. Fairly well known  He is a  Democratic legislator and senator from Illinois  with a population of almost thirteen million  Alaska on the other hand, has a  total population of just over one half million . President John Kennedy  one of our very most beloved, admired and effective Presidents was a Democratic Senator from Massachusetts before taking office as President of the United States.

  4. The Chicago political machine.

  5. He gave the keynote address at the 2004 election. How many middle americans heard of palin till last week........

  6. He didn't have a record.  He had the keynote speech at the 2004 convention.  The media has built him up since then.

  7. I compare Obama to some of the teeny bopper bands that are packaged and marketed for a specific demographic group. No real talent, but they sell records (I'm dating myself here). Obama has no real record, but he fits the mold of what they're trying to sell to us.

  8. That is the entire point.  The man has no record to speak of.  No credentials to be president of the USA.  We have one lame duck in office now who did not have the credentials to be president.  Do we need another similar type again so he can rip our country apart? Don't we ever learn from our mistakes?  It is the kid's vote that will carry Hussein Obama over the top. There is nothing we can do about the black vote.  They will vote for Hussein Obama even if he couldn't read and write.....which most of them can't do.

  9. The CFR.

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