
Before a Race?

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What kind of stuff do you do before a race to get you motivated, pumped up, and ready?




  1. have a good breakfast. depends on what distance you're running. if it's just a 5k or a 5 miler, i'd eat a banana with peanut butter and some toast. if you're running a marathon, i'd go for oatmeal and fruit and a cliff bar.

    talk to the other runners to keep yourself from getting nervous. you'll also get pumped up this way -- fueling off of these other runners.

    get to the race site early -- an hour before the gun. this way you can stretch and take care of any last minute details.

  2. Practice.

  3. Bring a fun game, play with a friend or family member, or listen to music on your i-pod or Mp3 player.(If you have one)

  4. drink a can or red bull and make sure your wearing your lucky charms.

  5. Drink A LOT of water. people say to drink water after a race but u have to drink it before. jog in place .that way you will warm up a little. be confident and dont worry about anything especially losing

  6. talk to myself

  7. listen to music like soulja boy and other upbeat fast music that makes me happy and pumped no slow songs ballads or depressing love songs though thats not good

  8. I just streach and hang with my friends and sometimes listen to music like Before I Forget by Slipknot

  9. The Force may be with you

  10. i listen to metal music

  11. Well, I am in cross country, so it is an individual sport, but at the same time a team sport.

    First, I always run a warmup and stretch with my team.  During this time we joke around.  like one time someone said to swing you elbows out and elbow anyone who trys to pass you.  laughing with my friends gets me motivated to win with my friends.

    soo yeah.. learn the best way u are motivated.  i crumble under pressure so people tell me.. it doesnt matter how well you do.  my other friend does extremely well under pressure, so we tell her she has to get first place or she gets kicked off the team (she gets first place everytime.) soo... have friends and family encourage you like this

  12. the night before, you should eat plenty of pasta and drink lots of water.  Get plenty of rest and only run a mile or so easily the day before.  I have never been able to get rid of the jitters entirely, but once you cross the start line and get into your first half mile, you will begin to be very comfortable with yourself and your surroundings.  Also, if your race is in the morning at 8am, you should plan on running at 8am for one week before so you are acclimated to running early in the morning.  Good luck, have fun.

  13. listen to my ipod.?

  14. I run too, so i know how you feel..usually before i start the race i try to go to the bathroom...then i run as a small warm up to get some of the chills out..

    hope i helped!

  15. Dance. DANCE!

  16. Eat sugar, that will get you pumped up. walk around by yourself stretching and warming up. talk to yourself or say in your head that you can do this, just keep repeating it over and over again. and just think of all the other things you have achieved so far to get to where you are. that stuff always helped me coz i always grew nervous before a race. last year wa my final year at school and i just said to myself that i would never in this position again so i should just go out and have fun.

  17. I run maybe 1/4 mile to see what muscles are tight. then I stretch. Then I run a little more to see if I need to stretch anything else. If so, then I do. I do all this while listening to my iPod. I do not run with my iPod cuz i focus on my breathing and I need to hear my breathing during the race.

  18. Have something really scary to run FROM.

  19. STRETCH .. and i do that by DANCING !! and listening to my ipod BRAP!!


  20. u should strech beause u might pull a muscle...
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