
Before a competition!?

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before a competition i always think about it non-stop i dream about the competition and im on a constant adrenaline rush....

so right before the big tournament, whats it like for you guys




  1. i zone out and Clare my mine so I'm zone on one think that gold

  2. ummmp; what's for us huh; usually the same as to you, because  of excitement,

  3. I train and workout a bit before the tournament, and go to bed early. But even then I can hardly sleep.

  4. I have trouble getting to sleep for days before competitions.  I keep going over scenarios in my head - mental sparring if you want to call it that.  Chamomile tea before bed really helps me sleep.

    As far as training:

    -I make a real push for about 14 days before to peak out my cardio.

    -I don't practice new technique right before a fight -  I polish my basics.  

    -I also make sure to train on the heavy bag and do cardio with my mouth guard in - it changes my breathing, so I get re-acclimated to that as well.

    -And I make sure to spar a little harder in the gym or with less protection (no head gear for me, no shin guards for my partner)- it's probably not a great idea, but I haven't been injured pre-fight, so I still do it.

    Tourneys I go do have same day weigh ins, so I don't cut weight.  I do lose a couple pounds because I get extra strict on my diet for about a month, but not enough to drop me a weight class.  The diet thing probably doesn't help much physically, but it's all getting my head into the fight.

    Fight day I wake up nervous and without appetite, so I get my calories in energy bars.  Lots of water too, up till about 2 hrs before fight time. (Overshare alert : It feels like I pee about 300 times on fight day - nervous energy plus hydration = constant trips to the bathroom.  Whatever.)

    Funny thing is when fight time comes I don't have butterflies at all - it's strictly game-on.  I actually get nervous again AFTER the fight is over.   I can't explain that one, but it goes away pretty fast.

  5. It's usually hard for me to sleep but i eventually do. The next day I head over to the studio with the rest of my team and we pretty much warm up the entire day until the tournament comes.

  6. I used to do kickboxing about 2 years ago.

    I've never been a competition - only watched my friends compete but if I were in their places I'd be freaked out!

  7. I get realy exited and have trouble sleeping the whole week. And I try to play it out in my mind

  8. Chomping at the bit to get in and fight.
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