
Before actually taking a pregnancy test, did you just feel pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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If so, describe this feeling. Also, did you notice a change in the consistency and smell of your discharge (nearly immediately after fertilization), I don't mean foul-smelling or anything, just different? And how long did it take before the fatigue set in? Sorry to bombard everyone with questions, I'm just wondering!




  1. with my first i felt really moody so i went an got a test an it was positive..

    this time it was planned an i got the moodiness again after a neg test so i waited 2 days an tested again it was now 33.5wks...

    there was no change in discharge that i noticed until further on in both pregnancies...

  2. I have just "known" with all three of my pregnancies (and I found out with each one of them 3-4 days before my due period).  I just get this really tired feeling that's completely unique to pregnancy.  

    With all three I've taken a pregnancy test the next morning after I realize, and I have been right!  It's just this really exhausted feeling. Like after exercising I have been unusually exhausted (in comparison to the amount of work I've done).

    I also get a lot of creamy, white, liquidy, discharge.

    Fatigue always sets in right away for me (before I find out for sure, like I said).  I pretty much feel tired from Implantation on and then find out the next week that I'm pregnant.

    Sorry so long! I hope that helped!

  3. i didnt really have the chance to pay attention to a few of those things but i know i got tired right in the begining till about 2 and a half months

  4. Yes, I felt pregnant and like c**p. I found out I was pregnant when I was 7 weeks, but I started having sore b*****s about 2-3 weeks before. I also started to feel extremely tired and started sleeping much more around that time. I also started to feel nautious. I don't really remember any change in my discharge, but there probably was.  

  5. I am not sure how to explain it i think it is a different feeling for everyone There was just a part of my that knew I felt a little different now I am 38 weeks and all I feel is wanting him out. Good luck you should enjoy your time  

  6. I knew I was pregnant before I took a test and missed my period.  I was dead tired!  Like I had never slept before.  I was clumsy and irritable, emotionally disturbed (lol) and I couldn't pay attention to a thing.  I found out I was pregnant with all three of my children during weeks 4-5.  I didn't experience a change in my discharge though until around month two, after I had missed my first period.

  7. Yeah, it had been the one month when I didn't keep track of my period so I wasn't even relying on that when I took a test.  I was so sick, with cramps that had my curled up in a ball on the couch crying and puking.  Then my b***s started hurting like h**l and that was never even a PMS thing for me.  Next my nipples started itching and burning really bad.  I was pretty sure my period was late after that all popped up so I figured I must be pregnant. =]

  8. Yes, the only thing that we noticed physically were my bigger b***s (that doesn't last :()

  9. Nope, I just didn't get my period, so I knew something was up! =]

    If anything, I actually felt better than I usually did before a period. I didn't get any cramps or anything! except a baby =]

  10. I felt my regular self.  In fact, I waited 2 weeks after my period was due to take a test.  I asked friends who got pregnant before me, if they felt "different" too.  Most of them say they feel the same.  Good luck to you!!

  11. I have 4 kids & have been pregnant 5 times.  I did not know for a week or so - was just hopeful.  Discharge did not change.  Fatigue did set in pretty quick - within the week.  Was sick pretty quick with first one, but not the others.

    Good luck

  12. With my 1st, yes with my 2nd, no.  

  13. it was something i just knew an also a line from your belly button to your hair line will get darker

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