
Before and After- my friend?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i asked a previous question similar to this one reguarding my friend and a makeover to make her more attrcative.

so, i took your tips and put them to work, and i was just wondering how you think she looks now?



oh yeah and whattdo you think of her makeup.. anymore tips?




  1. omg i hate the people above me saying she is wearing too much make up, no she is not! but i would change her lip gloss color to a light pink. and also she needs a haircut. tell her to get bangs going to the left and get lots of layers. layer make it look thiner. other thant that she looks great

  2. there's no diffenrence between both pics

  3. she looks naturally pretty without the makeup

    please answer mine:;...

  4. she is pretty naturally and with the makeup. but i luv her eye color

  5. i personally don't think she has too much makeup on. it looks like she has some lipgloss and blush. she looks very pretty. her hair just looks really dry. maybe some good conditioner to hydrate her hair a little.

  6. she is naturally pretty!! she doesnt need that much makeup!

  7. i like her hair in the after pic

  8. she has on way to much make-up!! thats what i think

  9. she has... A. too much makeup, it's an 80s flash-back!!- try softer more pastel colors for her, that always looks good on redheads. and B. her hair needs to be professionally flat ironed because it maked her hair look way to thick& poofy. try curling it again

  10. she looks more beautiful whith straight hair

  11. She looks like she's twelve, and trying to be in her 20's.  Not really appealing............

  12. here is my opinion.

    her hair cannot be straightened.

    it dosent work well, and it makes it look poofy.

    try barrel curling it and not just scrunching it. or try

    scrunching it all down, because her hair wont work straight- i just dont like the way it looks.

    her makeup is not that great either, i mean its good but it dosent work on her.

    she needs a sheer gloss, maybe light pink or iradesent.

    try giving her a light powder and a medium bronzer. to bring out her color, and lastly her hair color/eye color dosent work well with black mascara/eyeliner. she needs to use a brown and eye shadow a lighter color as well.

    try again, and let me know how it works out!

  13. well i think she is pretty natural but she came out pretty good with the make-up!

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