
Before and after pregnancy pictures..?

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I'm bored and baby is I thought y'all might enjoy some before and after pictures..the first picture is me at like 3 weeks pregnant..the after picture is me 3 months postpartum..Ohh do I miss my prepregnancy belly!!..This is my first baby it was a girl I named her Ivy Jane.




  1. your soooooo lucky! i have a saggy tummy and started off just like you, try vitamin E for the stretch marks ( yours are not bad at all and will fade )

  2. bad luck with the stretch marks i luckily avoided them.

  3. Haha ha..... I'm with you james and hannahs mummy.........   Exactly what I was thinking.

    your stomach looks pretty d**n good for just having a baby three months ago...... and you know it too..... otherwise you wouldn't be posting these pics up.      I am jealous!

  4. girl, ur belly looks great. Stretch marks or not, its a pretty fit stomach. I gained 40 lbs with my daughter and have only lost 10 and she is almost 3 mos. old. I left the hospital only losing 7 which is what she weighed. For some odd reason i find myself eatting and being addicted to chocolate now and when i was prego i barely ate it. I think my body still thinks its pregnant because i eat more now then when i was pregnant. PLUS thinking of losing weight makes me eat more, its like i dont even realize going to the fridge and getting food anymore til after i eat it lol. But anyways u look great, and the stretchmarks will fade. AND i know some men who are actually attracted to the stretch marks...weird i know but true! In time, u will lose the rest of the weight, the stretch marks will fade, and u will still have that beautiful baby girl. So dont worry about it because most women have the saggy pouch but ur stomach looks pretty flat and fit. Good luck with losing the weight u wish to lose, but i think ur stomach looks wonderful now!

    I read ur last question and this one too so i just answered them both together sorry lol

  5. Pah! Show off. Lol.

  6. not bad.. yeah pregnancy messes your belly up. with my son i was tiny to begin with 126lbs. and 5'7''. and at the end of my pregnancy went up to 163lbs. when i has him lost all but 10 lbs and had NO stretch marks. over time i gained another 10lbs. so when i got pregnant with my daughter i weighed 143lbs and at the end of the pregnancy i weighed 183lbs!!! but now 2 1/2 months later im back to 145lbs.  so yeah with her i got stretch marks... a little more than you, more right under the belly button. :(

    but yours for a person who has them is really good, ive seen so much worse.

  7. Congrats. My husband and I have been ttc for 10 years. We just found out that I will need a surrogant. My husband's cousin has told us on Mother's day that she would carry for us. We over the moon.  I can only imagine what its like to miss a belly. Congrats again.

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