
Before discovery of America(pre1500), what percentage of the earth's population were Caucasian? Asian?

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Pre-1500, there were about 450 Million humans on earth.

The native people of Cherokee, Inuit, Samoans, Hawaiians, Aztecs, Eastern Russians, etc., etc., all share similar racial features (with varying degrees of skin pigmentation) as Chinese/Korean/Japanese/Indonesian Asians.

Meanwhile the native people of Scandinavia, Sicily, Portugal, Western Russia, Jerusalem, Mesopotamia (Middle east) etc., etc., all share similar racial features (with varying degrees of skin pigmentation) as British/French/German Caucasians.

Of the world's 450Million humans in Pre-1500A.D, How many were Asians & Asian-lookalikes, versus Caucasians & Caucasian-lookalikes?




  1. Oh, I'd say about the same as around 1492, after the discovery of the "Americas." Oh, wow, ha-ha...seriously though. There are probably no really accurate figures on that as, especially has been my own experience working Native American archeology sites, most numbers you might find are only general estimates based on secondary evidence or contradictory primary sources.

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