
Before earth..?

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do you think that before the earth formed, there was another earth-like planet, that developed like ours and lived like ours? and that had the same 'destiny' as our earth does? like that it lived as long as possible, and ended in some natural disaster or someway caused by the people living on it? give me your thoughts..




  1. the cosmic mind thinks in ways we can not understand, the answer is yes, there were many planets like us but did not last too long although we think we have been here for a long time, time is not measured in the vast open realm of the universe.

  2. all planets are in stages of habitable and non-habitable - gas giants being compressed into a solid planet with gases becoming liquids and other planets like mars drying up liquids and shriveling - all relative to the distance from their home star or sun

  3. According to the current theory, that is not possible as there were numerous debries that floated around that would have wiped out any scale civilizations.

  4. Mars

    look it up

  5. No I don't think that at all.

  6. perhaps...

  7. some scientists believe that the universe is "infinite" (forever) there for giving the universe an "infinite" amount of ways things can happen.  i believe that it could be possible that there is or was another planet in another galaxy that is or was very similar to our planet earth. you should check out my source, its very interesting.

  8. there are some thing in there bible that sugest that that might have happened but there is no proof that was what happened

  9. a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


    it's possible, but as of now, there's no way of knowing

  10. Well if are a religious person.. then you will not believe that... If you are more into science, then most likely you;ll be thinking that way...

    But im not very religious and kinda into science, but i do not believe that there was a planet like ours.

    This is a very interesting  question. you have a very curious mind.. Keep it up!

  11. i think the bible it answers all your questions

  12. Um..i dont think so i think so but it might possibly be how the dinasours died from the meteoroid....i think its possible :)

  13. probably not....the likely hood of this seems almost impossible because our sun is only 5 billion years old and the earth is 4.5 billion years old.   so there is no way that a planet could have former life on it before earth.  

    We are a second generation star which means that there was a blue star (Class O or B)  that went supernova and made all of the material that we have in our solar system.  These stars only last for about 10 million years which is not enough time for planets and life to develop on it.

    The likely hood of a planet before earth is very unlikely.

  14. There are several question in this, some of them quite silly.

    Could there have been/are now some Earth like planets *in other solar systems* ? Sure. Could there have been another Earth like planet *in THIS solar system* ? Not a chance. Our Earth was formed around the same time that the Sun formed.

    Ditto the other planets in our system. While there were likely some other planetesimal bodies very early on, there was no way that they could have been anything like Earth is *now*. It took Earth 4 *billion* years to evolve to this present state, and its not possible that another planetary body *in this system* could have done it a hundred, or even ten times faster.

    No planet has a "destiny", just as no person has one. Next !

    All this comes down to one point: Is there are EVIDENCE for such a body to have existed in this system. The answer to that is clear: No.

    New age nonsense has no place on a SCIENCE forum.

  15. it could be possible.there could have been a few.but they just kept getting destroyed leaving no today with global warming if it destroys the earth and the people on it it could be the same process again and wiping out the evidence of our you'll never really know if its true or not.its a very gud theory.

  16. maybe but there is no way of knowing obviously

  17. Well, it could have happened somewhere, but not in our solar system - our planet formed along with the others soon after the Sun formed, about 4.57 billion years ago.  But the chances of people evolving the same exact way twice are absolutely zero.

  18. I believe in infinity...... soooo I have no doubt in my mind that there are planets such as ours in the universe, where similar life has and/or will exist. God loves us enough to recyle us :)

  19. in the beginning God created the world.

    thats what i believe.

  20. Wow, I never thought of that. That could be a possibility...well, we will never know. The only thing we can start with is the big bang theory. And to think, after our earth ends, the same thing could happen all over agian! =D The dinosaurs, ice age, evolving, medieval wars, landing on the moon again, going to mars for the first time, global warming, electing another president like Bush, then the whole thing starts again! How interesting ;)

  21. yeah same ... i think Mars was like earth ...

    did you know they can grow asparigas on Mars

    so that proves that Mars was once fertile .

  22. This same question bother's me so much.

    It's like, "We're in this world", "How was the world formed", "How come the earth is round and moves around,and we don't feel it".

    These are all questions that nobody knows the answer yet.

    I would say God did it.


  23. i think mars was once like earth

  24. Yes.  The current Earth is a marooned planet after life left the destroyed planet.

  25. There's no evidence for such a planet ever having existed in our solar system, but there are probably thousands of such worlds elsewhere in our galaxy.

  26. Maybe, and maybe there is one right now. If you think every star is a sun, then surely there must be other forms of life out there. But maybe we are just really lucky that our planet is the exact right environment for life
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