
Before i make an *** of myself...If i'm 18 and my first bike was a 2008 ZX-14, does that make me special?

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I've had her for a while and haven't laid her down..she's big but nimble, i don't think i can lay her down. But does this give me bragging rights, i wanna know if i can go to a local bar and talk trash. lol




  1. when you can take the 1/4 in 9 seconds or drag a knee through the dragon on it I'll consider you something special maybe, posing around on a bike you couldn't begin exploit the capabilities of doesn't impress me.

    bragging about it on the internet doesn't impress me either.

  2. h**l yea it does im in the same situation and i definetly feel i am beyond special so let em hate n never stop braggin

  3. Idiot, see you in the obituaries.

  4. As long as you ride responsibly, you're good to go.

    No need to talk trash to anyone except to the Hayabusas.

  5. These days, I think the “correct” term is challenged.

    Check your chicken strips, if they are wider than a half inch don't brag too loudly.

  6. Make sure your listed as a organ donor and email me so you can list me on your life insurance. it was nice of your mommy to get it for you.

  7. Hating? Nope I feel sorry for you because your clueless.Your 18 and you think your bullet proof.Graveyards are full of know it alls like you.As far as before making an a** of yourself...TOO LATE.Sure hope you survive your young and dumb phase to get to older and wiser.

  8. Hey unlike everyone else, I think you've done good so far if you had it for a few months.  You may think you have it all figured out but I bet you do not even know what you still have to learn.  We were all new to the bike thing at one time and thought we had it all figured out, then we learned a thing or ten along the way.  You do  have bragging rights for as long as you keep it upright, but getting too cocky will bring it all crashing down, wear your gear because that is a beast of a bike and most people crash their first bike.  If you make it a few years you earned the right to brag for what you learn to ride on, I started on a bike with less than a quarter of the power that bike has and still had a few close calls over the years, all that after having dirtbikes for more than ten years.  

    Sometimes I wish I could be eighteen again and have everything all figured out again, funny how time teaches you how much you still do not know.  At thirty one I know I still have alot to learn, weird.

  9. you are one person to the world,

    but you are the world to one person.

    Head the warnings and live life  like you want there to be a tomorrow. and cherish your bike like life itself that way you'll keep yourself safe and be here tomorrow. ( to brag if you want to! and why not???  and if you don't think your special, why should anyone else?

  10. I bet you ride in t-shirts, shorts and flip flops too! Yeah you are special all right. My mom used to call the kid next door special and that was because he was brain damaged. Oh sorry, that was probably you. I am sure you are one of those wimpy guys who got his *** kicked in school so now you feel you have to pretend that you grew some balls. Make sure you post a pic of yourself after you are turned into hamburger. But hey, you will be giving the EMT's some practice so maybe there is a use for you after all.

    God I hate arrogant twerps!

  11. no it don't! if you think that having a zx14 is special then you got mental issues.if you think having such a bike makes you a skilled rider then i'll be reading about you in the obituaries.

    in california you can't go into a bar. the next thing is if you brag in the biker bars i go to you will get your punk rear beaten. i've been riding for 30 years and i am still learning new things.

  12. You call riding for a while without crashing "mastering" a ZX-14? If so then yes, brag all you want. There is nothing impossible about an 18 year old riding a 1400. Anyone can do that. It is just not recommended for a new rider to get a bike that size. The attitude reflected in this question exemplifies why most folks your age shouldn't have a bike that fast.

  13. Hmm I wouldn't go to a Bar. Try maybe the local elementary school playground.

  14. Man you missed out on owning a 600 man. Im gonna upgrade too one day but they tell you to start out with a 600 cuz its alot more fun. My bike is sooo lite. I can wheelie it soo easy and its a lot of fun to drop it to the ground around turns. The only thing good about the 1400 is the speed its alot heavier and harder to get the front to come up.You miss out and the other side of riding. The smaller bikes are like toys I can sling my bike around it only weighs 325 pounds..

  15. Master?

    Oh boy, you got some learnin' to do.

    Nobody MASTERS anything in less than a year.

    How you gonna get in a bar?

    They don't serve 18 year olds (anymore).

  16. I don't think that he's talking about the ZX-14 motorcycle - he's talking about the the ZX size 14 'Love' robot - he hasn't 'layed' her down yet, but one day he'll lay that robot down and make 'special' love to 'it'

  17. I'm not hating but I seriously doubt you've mastered the bike. even if it was a 600 I'd say that. Even the guys with the 30 years can't say they've mastered a bike.

    Can you make a woman cry, drool, f**t, and p**s on herself, then pass out, all at once without using your hands or p***s than have her ask for more when she wakes up? Probably not. Not yet anyways. The point is there are some things you learn with experience.

    You are probably a good rider and have some cool skills, but your confidence is a gift and curse. Being too confident makes you lower your awareness and respect for the bike. I bragged about driving a car since i was 12 with no accidents ever, that night I rear ended somebody while changing a CD in the CD player. I thought i was such a good driver that I could take my eyes off the road with no issues.

    Just understand that while you may know a lot about the bike and riding, you don't know everything and you don't need to be bragging.

  18. I think its great you're confident on your bike.

    Too bad you're a SQUID!!!!!

    NO it doesn't give you bragging rights cuz a ZX-14 ain't all that.  You're probably one of those SQUIDS that THINKS they're fast in a straight line but when you get in the twisties you turn into a timid little boy.  Anyone can twist the throttle, SQUID!!

  19. I think you are a tool already.

  20. It sure does but I dont think special Olympics has a motorcycle event "Yet"

  21. Nothing you own will ever, ever, ever make you special.  Special comes from inside.  If you think that owning a toy makes you special, you're about as ordinary as it is possible to be.

  22. Don't think you CAN lay her down?????

    Brag all you like, no-one cares. Remember though that one day she may just remind you that Physics apply to you too.

    Regarding making an *** of yourself-- too late!

  23. Yes I think you are special,      SPECIAL EDDIE !

  24. wow !!youre special all right,the kind of special that rides the short bus to you got the bike because you have to wear a helmet all the time anyways

  25. Hawaiian, you answered well.

  26. Spoken like a true squid.  I had exactly your attitude at your age only I had already ridden for 8 years.  Call us in 10 year and then you can brag, or tell us how life is as a paraplegic.

  27. THE MINUTE YOU DON'T RESPECT A MOTORCYCLE IS THE MINUTE IT CAN KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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