
Before its all over do you think the obama camp will replace biden with hillary?

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Before its all over do you think the obama camp will replace biden with hillary?




  1. It's being discussed on the cable news shows right now. They are desperate and it's their own fault for choosing the unelectable Obama.

    I hope he does. The Dem's are so f^*ked up this would just make their situation even funnier.

  2. The Democrats really wish they would have vetted Obama a little more closely. If the press ever decides to do real journalism, he will be in a lot of trouble with the scrutiny that they should be doing.  Who knows though... the mainstream media is so left-wing, they are falling all over themselves in back peddling after Palin's speech.

  3. No, because Obama has to get permission from his wife first, and she will likely say no. remember everyone!  she dislikes Hillary and what ever she orders, that's what he'll do.  

  4. No

  5. Why? Biden is a great pick. It makes PA a virtual lock. Independents like myself LOVE him here for his no BS approach.

    BTW: Palin is going to hurt McCain in PA. We just got done ousting a sitting senator (Santorum) who had the exact same values Palin does. Forget about PA.

    Even so, this will never happen. While I'm sure Obama realizes that if he were to put Hilary on the ticket now he would definitely lock it up, he's put a lot of thought into who he is going to put as his VP. I don't see him changing a well thought out 'country first' decision, like Joe Biden, for political gain. He's not that impulsive or reckless.

  6. nope.

    Biden is "Super Qualified".

  7. Biden's in trouble unless he got the VP ticket in writing ... with how Obama changes his tune ...

  8. No, but I'll bet they wish they could replace him with Palin.

  9. possibly..they are desperate

  10. /nope

  11. I think that if he did, it would be a really bad choice on his part. It would show that he can't make up his mind and keeps changing things which would put fear into people who had previously been considering voting for him.

  12. Actually Intrade (look it up if you don't know what it is) has odds that it McCain will be the one dump his VP pick.  These guys are rarely wrong.  

  13. no way. Yesterday they did a poll and asked would win between Palin and Hiallry, and Palin was already 42% and Hillary at 46% something like that. I thought it was funny to see they even took the poll.

    Besides Hillary would energize the republican base, more than Palin would.

  14. It will happen real soon, but it's going to be too little and too late.

  15. Too late. He should have picked her, but I doubt she would accept now, even if he offered it.

  16. doesn't matter its over for him

  17. well hopefully b4 its all over the dnc will replace obama with hillary in order to avoid a landslide loss in the elections

  18. Probably not. Otherwise Obama will look weak. I'll bet he wishes he chose her, though!

    After her skewering of Obama last night, I, for one, can hardly wait until the VP debates! Palin will eviscerate that stuttering hairplugged freak...and beyond that, the 2012 presidential race. Palin v.Clinton, anyone?

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