
Before obama a lot of guys like will smith ,usa nertworks cut suport to black people to show programs?

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when people whit believes show better ways of life?




  1. I'm not sure I understand what you mean (given your sentence construction) but I'll attempt to answer from what I think you're trying to say.

    There were a few shows that were predominantly black in the heydays of the 80's (one memorable one that comes to mind is The Cosby Show) - but it also showed a family/situation that was all black, in much the same way that "white" sitcoms all have white characters. They were examples of the extremes.

    Today, there seems to be an acceptance of different races, and a "token" g*y or L*****n person. So I think network executives believe "we've moved on in the race issue - it's now time to discriminate against g*y people". Of course they don't word it that way in their official memos, but they certainly act that way.

    As for white people believing they have a better way of life? I think that's always been the status quo - white people thinking they're privileged and that everyone wants to be like them, but will never equal them (and why every other minority has had to fight for our own rights).

    Here's something to think about: Some social scientists say that by 2050, the "white race" will no longer be the majority race in the USA.

    Let's ponder on that for a moment.

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