
Before "Semper Fi", what was the USMC official motto?

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Was it..

"No brains required"

"Why did I choose the USMC"

"Often Brainwashed"

"Jarhead Forever"

"Order Follower"

"Hurry up and wait"

"Devil Dogs"

"No nutz, no glory"



Enough jokes..seriously, what was the official USMC motto prior to it being Semper Fi.




  1. Lava are you starting a fan club. Seems the pogues have their thongs in a wad. I was goin to try and answer but i was beat to it.

    Semper Fi


  2. This is interesting Lava dog, I didn't know that the Marines had different mottos before Semper Fidelis.  Thanks for asking this question because it taught me something new.  My research says that the three mottos, traditional not official, were:

    1 - Fortidune (with Fortitude)

    2 - By sea and by land

    3 - To the shores of Tripoli or From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli

  3. Go ask your question in person to any Marine male or female

    They will introduce you to a fun game called " find your teeth"

    Those are not jokes, those are insults directed at people with far more courage than you will ever have.

    " he was in the Marine Corps"

    Not a f**king chance

    A Marine would never write the things he just wrote.

    A Marine would know the answer to the question he wrote.

    There are three correct answers. He didnt write a single one of them


    Go try the internet tough guy routine on someone that might buy it.

    I didnt question what you have done. I am telling you without a doubt you have not served one single day in the USMC

  4. c**p, I thought it was, "Row Row Row Your Boat"

    I choose Sea, Land, Air.  

  5. Haha jeez, someones upset.... he must not have looked at your site

  6. LAVADOG has courage, he was in the Marine Corps.

  7. i think it was "WE CANT THINK FOR OURSELVES" or "WE ARE TOOLS".

  8. how about you show some respect to those that protect your freedom.

    go to iraq and ask my brother and his buddies.  they are just west of Baghdad.  ask for 2nd battalion 24th marines echo company.  they will help you find your the answer to your question.

  9. Fortitudine , By Sea and by Land , First to Fight !

    Semper Fi, Mac


  10. Haha... I think you made a couple of them cry brother... too funny how people get so offended.

  11. Ha ha you offended some Marines..I guess they have no sense of humor..and yes there are 3 USMC mottos that were used before Semper Fi

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