
Before they had airplanes, how on earth did people manage to immigrate to North America (1800s)?

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People such as the Chinese who came to North America to build the railways, how did they manage to come all the way here (on both the west and east coasts) without airplanes in the 1800s?




  1. they had big wooden ships that have sails and go very far

  2. The era of travel by sea continued well into the 20th Century.

    The first flights (of all), of course, started in the very early 1900s, and aviation developed slowly for the next 50-60 years.  Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic by himself in 1927, and was regarded as a huge hero.

    The military use of many planes during WW II gave a big boost to aviation, but it wasn't until the introduction of jets such as the Boeing 707 in the late 50s/early 60s that air travel - especially across the oceans -  really "took off", so to speak.

  3. telekinetics

  4. big boats.  duh.

  5. ships

  6. Jetpacks.

  7. Did you fail history? Theres this thing, I dont know if youve heard of it, its kind of new, called oceans. On these "oceans" they have these things called "boats". WHOA! What are these "boats"? They are wooden things that people ride in that float on water. :D

  8. They rode rubber duckies.

  9. They came on boats.  They had to come on boats because there was no other way, as did  the pilgrims  who came on the PInta, the Nina, and the Santa Maria, and the Mayflower. too!

  10. Shipping was fairly sophisticated during the 1800's.  So the only way to get to the American continent was by boat.

    This is and interesting period of our history.  Many people that crossed the United states in covered Wagons, actually lived to see and fly on airplanes over the same territory.  Sometimes we don't realize just how fast things are changing all around us.  And this change is accelerating dramatically.

  11. Europeans came by boat, while some people say that the Natives migrated to North America from Siberia via the Bering Strait.

  12. boats

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